They then confronted Mechtavius Destroyer. They won with their new, real versions of their digital Bakugan, Hawktor, Coredem and Akwimos, but they were all tricked and sent out of Bakugan Interspace when Ren hacked into the system and forced the brawlers out, causing Bakugan Interspace to be under Ren's control. His sleeves go past his wrist forming a slight upward V-shape. He tells her that Aerogan is her problem. He first lived in Wardington for the first two seasons with his friends Runo Misaki, Marucho Marukura and Shun Kazami. Brachium | Later the 3 of them brawl Spectra with his new evolved Helios even though it is a long battle with Mira and Marucho getting eliminated he still beats Spectra. ", There is a misconception with some English fans that "Kūsō" is pronounced the same way as the Japanese swear "kuso" (which is an equivalent of "damn"). Serena Sheen | However, when activating "Dragon Hard Striker" - Drago goes insane and "spawns" Zenthon. Unfortunately, the transporter needed to be repaired before another trip could be made. When Robin ran off, he tried to stop Jake from running after him but got mad and gave up. During Lars Lion's test for Runo, a younger, illusionary Dan was used to make Runo realize that she can't be so stubborn and rash. Dan is a skilled brawler between Seasons 1-3, but takes a dip in his record in Season 4. Reptak | Skytruss | Gunz Lazar | Drago finished them off with his power combined with Dragonoid Destroyer. After, they decide to train as Wavern leaves the group. Alias In episode 36, he battles Kazarina, Airzel, Stoica, and Gill alongside Fabia, Ren, Shun, Jake, and Marucho. The feeling they had was the same feeling when they lost control. After Neo Ziperator is taken by Jesse, Dan promises Linus Claude that he will rescue him. He moved to Bakugan City in Arc 2 of Mechtanium Surge, and now lives in the Battle Brawlers Headquarters. A while later Stoica and Jesse appear to stop the Brawlers. Dan is a kind-hearted and energetic boy who really loves Bakugan, but gets frustrated easily. During the battle Dan cuts off a portion of Mag Mel's mask, revealing him to be Barodius, the former emperor of Gundalia. Tentaclear | Alice Gehabich | This caused Drago to evolve into Lumino Dragonoid, giving him great powers to win the battle. He then falls into the chasm along with the rest of the brawlers. Also, the two of them have been having visions of a masked man named Mag Mel and a Bakugan named Razenoid demanding that they give him their power. —Dan Kuso, Mega Man Grey "Dan to Grey" Daniel "Dan" Kuso (Japanese version: Danma "Dan" Kūsō (空操 弾馬 (ダン), Kūsō Danma (Dan)?)) Dan returns to headquarters and discusses the possibility that Gunz could be brainwashed. In Gundalia Under Fire, Drago opens a portal and the battle brawlers head to Paige's home, Gundalia. Flytris | In Re-connection, Wavern lets Dan and Drago look through their memories to find the source of all their troubles. JJ Dolls | Genesis Dragonoid | Later, Dan learned from Mira that Dragonoid Destroyer was only functioning at 90% efficiency. Later, he and Shun battled Sellon and Chris and won but only due to Sellon throwing the match. After some struggling, he beats Mag Mel and is welcomed back as the Leader of the Battle Brawlers. Occasionally, in the few episodes during his morning jog Dan wears a sporting outfit which mostly black with red-colored trims on the sides from the collar and down to shoes. The fighting gets pretty intense, and Dan even fights Wiseman hand-to-hand! After the battle, he ran into Masquerade and battled him. Later, they are confronted by Gunz and Betadron. In Mechtanium Surge part 1, Dan personality almost at some point to be out-of-character.