Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. His reorganization of the fiscal, administrative, and military machinery of the empire laid the foundation for the Byzantine Empire in the East and temporarily shored up the decaying empire in the West. When Diocletian, acclaimed as emperor by his soldiers, appeared for the first time in public dressed in the imperial purple, he declared himself innocent of Numerian’s murder. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. . Diocleciano (Cayo Aurelio Valerio Diocleciano; Salona, actual Croacia, h. 245 - Spalato, hoy Split, id., 316) Emperador romano (284-305). Diocletian, Roman emperor (284–305 CE) who restored efficient government to the empire after the near anarchy of the 3rd century. Aquel mismo año, a fin de acabar con las usurpaciones militares y las tendencias centrífugas que amenazaban con desmembrar el imperio, Diocleciano decidió asociar al poder a otro oficial ilirio de su confianza, Maximiano, a quien cedió el control de la mitad occidental del imperio, primero con el título de césar y después con el de augusto Herculius (286). Breve biografía de Diocleciano. Diocles, who would become known to history as Diocletian, was born of humble origins on December 22, 245 CE in the Balkan province of Dalmatia. ¿Desea reproducir alguna biografía en su web. Up to the time of his accession, Diocletian had lived most of his life in military camps. Diocleciano fue un destacado soldado de procedencia iliria, el cual se abrió […] La enciclopedia biográfica en línea. Gold coin depicting Roman emperor Diocletian. His father was a scribe or the emancipated slave of a senator called Anullinus. Omissions? By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Barcelona (España). The gens name Aurelius did not appear until March 1, 286—that is, until after his accession. El índice del trabajo es: breve biografía de Diocleciano; la persecución y la bibliografía. As Roman emperor for more than 20 years (284–305 CE), Diocletian brought stability, security, and efficient government to the Roman state after nearly half a century of chaos. Se enroló en el ejército y pasó los primeros años de su vida en incesantes campañas a lo largo de la frontera del Danubio, en la Galia y luchando contra los persas. Nothing is known of his wife, Prisca, other than what the contemporary Latin Christian writer Lactantius Firmianus says in his De mortibus persecutorum, which is of debatable veracity. What is known of his appearance is based on coin effigies and on sculptures. Thus, in midsummer of 285, Diocletian became master of the empire. Author of. He designated Aper as the criminal and killed him personally. In reality, Numerian had died either a natural death or from a stroke of lightning. Con la aparición de estos colaboradores de jerarquía inferior, la dirección del imperio quedó en manos de una tretrarquía, forma de gobierno que permitía, por una parte, asegurar la unidad territorial y, por otra, solucionar los problemas de cada región con celeridad y eficacia. En el 305, ya enfermo, renunció a sus responsabilidades políticas, abdicó en favor de Galerio y obligó a Maximiano a hacer otro tanto en beneficio de Constancio Cloro, padre del futuro emperador Constantino el Grande. Diocletian’s biography has been obscured by legends, rhetoric, the dubiousness of documents, and the hostility of his adversaries. Diocleciano nació en Dalmacia de muy baja cuna. Little is known of his origins. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? En Biografías y Vidas. Galerius, who succeeded Diocletian as augustus in 305, continued the persecution until 311. An indecisive battle near the confluence of the Margus (modern Morava) and Danube rivers, not far from present-day Belgrade, would have been a defeat for Diocletian had Carinus not been assassinated by a group of soldiers. function citaurl() { var x = location.href; document.getElementById("urlcita").innerHTML = x;}
Diocleciano (244-311) fue un emperador romano que gobernó entre 284 y 305. Suo padre, uno scriba, gli aveva appena insegnato a leggere e scrivere, ma l’educazione del giovane era ben lontana da quella dei rampolli delle famiglie aristocratiche, che ricevevano invece la formazione classica, la cosiddetta “paideia”. Biografía de Diocleciano Cayo Aurelio Valerio Diocleciano (244 d. C – 316 d. C) Nació en Salona, Dalmacia (actual Croacia). Premium Membership is now 50% off! From these it appears that he was tall and thin, with a large forehead, a short, strong nose, a hard mouth, and a determined chin. His reign is also noted for the last great persecution of the Christians. Al contrario, grande era la vitalità e profondo il carisma personale di quell’uomo di umili origini, nato presumibilmente il 22 dicembre del 244 a Salona, in Dalmazia, in una famiglia di origini oscure. En detrimento del pujante cristianismo, hizo obligatorio el culto a Júpiter como elemento cohesionador del imperio, lo cual provocó una cruenta persecución contra los cristianos entre los años 303 y 311. These may have been either in Gaul, as reported in the Historia Augusta, or in Moesia. At the urging of the caesar Galerius, in 303 Diocletian began the last major persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, resulting in the destruction of churches and the torture and execution of Christians who refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods. Here again, rhetoric has obscured the real events. Se reservó para sí el gobierno de la mitad oriental y la dignidad de augusto Iovius, la cual, al vincularlo a Júpiter, la principal divinidad romana, le confería un poder superior al de Maximiano. Black Friday Sale! Like his predecessors, Diocletian promoted the cult of the emperor but also explicitly associated himself and his co-augustus, Maximian, with Jove and Hercules, respectively. Recuperado de
After having put down a revolt by Julianus, a troop commander in Pannonia, whom he attacked and killed near Verona, Carinus proceeded to attack Diocletian. var f=new Date();document.write(f.getDate() + " de " + meses[f.getMonth()] + " de " + f.getFullYear());. function citapers() { var x = document.getElementsByTagName("title"); document.getElementById("perscita").innerHTML = x[0].innerHTML;}
The rest of the empire was obedient to Numerian’s brother Carinus. Diocletian, Latin in full Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus, original name Diocles, (born 245 ce, Salonae?, Dalmatia [now Solin, Croatia]—died 316, Salonae), Roman emperor (284–305 ce) who restored efficient government to the empire after the near anarchy of the 3rd century. Paralelamente, Diocleciano llevó a cabo una serie de importantes reformas internas que perseguían centralizar el poder, racionalizar la administración, sanear la economía y reorganizar el ejército. Dedicado a la vida contemplativa, que sólo abandonó para intentar solucionar sin éxito las disputas existentes entre los tetrarcas (307), murió en su retiro de Spalato en el 316. Professor of Latin Language and Literature, University of Besançon, France. (Cayo Aurelio Valerio Diocleciano; Salona, actual Croacia, h. 245 - Spalato, hoy Split, id., 316) Emperador romano (284-305). el var meses = new Array ("enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre");
Later, his abilities were rewarded when he became an army commander in Moesia, a northern Balkan province located just west of the Black Sea. Diocletian’s complete name, found in official inscriptions, is given as Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus. Diocleciano (Cayo Aurelio Valerio Diocleciano) nació cerca de Saloma (actual Croacia), en la costa de Dalmacia, en el año 244. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Diocletian, Ancient History Encyclopedia - Biography of Diocletian, Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Diocletian.