Arboreal control of Wasmannia auropunctata Introduction Wasmannia auropunctata or the Little Fire Ant (LFA) is an invasive ant species native to South America. Control Method: Various chemical treatments have been used to eradicate W. auropunctata populations. The impacts of Wasmannia auropunctata (the little fire ant) on the native biota and subsistence agriculture in the Solomon Islands are poorly under-stood. Control/Eradication Fundamental in the prevention of their distribution and impact on native biodiversity, is the eradication of recently introduced populations (Causton et al., 2005). Here we review published and unpublished information on its distribution, ecology, impact, and control. Although successful in the past, Amdro is not approved for use on food crops; this limits its utility. This paper chronicles the subsequent spread of W. auropunctata through the Hawaiian archi-pelago. 2005). Wasmannia auropunctata (the little fire ant) is responsible for reducing species diversity, reducing overall abundance of flying and tree-dwelling insects, and eliminating arachnid populations. Key Words: Amdro®, ant control, dispersal, costs, invasive ants, monitoring R ESUMEN El desarrollo de técnicas efectivas para erradicar poblaciones de hormigas invasoras es es-encial para la conservación de la biodiversidad nativa. These include Amdro, Extinguish, and other IGRs, which were slated for use on LFA sites in Hawaii in 1999. It is also known for its painful stings. Eradicating Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Maui, Hawaii: The Use of Combination Treatments to Control an Arboreal Invasive Ant Cas Vanderwoude1, Kyle Onuma2, and Neil Reimer3 1Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Hawaii, 16 E. Lanikaula St, Hilo, Hawaii 96720 USA; e-mail: 2,3Plant Pest Control Branch, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, 216 … auropunctata supercolony exceeded 244 million ants and 22.7 kg wet weight per ha. 1999), Australia and the Pacific region (Wetterer and Porter 2003). around 30 years ago and in the intervening The little Þre ant, Wasmannia auropunctata 2009; Wetterer et al. KEY WORDS little Þre ant, invasive species, unicolonial, ant management, ant baits Hawaiihasnonativeants,but 40speciesofalienants have been accidentally introduced (Krushelnycky et al. Over the last century it has spread occupy a pan-tropical distribution and is recorded in mainland USA (Smith 1929), Africa (Mikheyev et al. On the Galapagos, it eats the hatchlings of tortoises and attacks the eyes and cloacae of the adult tortoises. Spread, Control, and Local Eradication Casper Vanderwoude1, Michelle Montgomery, Heather Forester, ... (Wasmannia auropunctata Roger) which was first recorded in 1999. This species was originally introduced as a biological control against nut-fall bugs (Amblypelta sp.)

wasmannia auropunctata control

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