Nombre completo : Zulema Esther González Borbón, Carlos Cores y Zully Moreno en El amor nunca muere (1955) - 1 de 9, Jorge Mistral y Zully Moreno en Amor prohibido (1955) - 2 de 9, Zully Moreno y Beatriz Taibo en Amor prohibido (1955) - 3 de 9, Jorge Mistral y Zully Moreno en Amor prohibido (1955) - 4 de 9, Carlos Thompson y Zully Moreno en La mujer de las camelias (1953) - 5 de 9, Zully Moreno en La calle del pecado (1954) - 6 de 9, Jorge Mistral y Zully Moreno en Amor prohibido (1955) - 7 de 9, Zully Moreno en Amor prohibido (1955) - 8 de 9. Zully Moreno is straight. [14] That same year, at the Film Festival San Sebastian, Moreno received the award which typified her screen persona, with a certificate honoring her as most elegant actress. Películas más visitadas: Compartir. Zully Moreno Nombre completo : Zulema Esther González Borbón. [8], Though she often worked with her husband, Moreno also worked with some of Argentina's biggest directors. [6], Moreno married Luis Cesar Amadori in 1947 and they had one son,[6] Luis. [4] In 1966, she began returning to Argentina incognito, wanting her son to know his heritage. Upon his release from prison, he and Moreno fled to Spain. Original Mexican Lobby Card El Barro Humano Zully Moreno Carlos Lopez Moctezuma: Zully Moreno: Books - Amazon.ca [3], She died on 25 December 1999 in Buenos Aires, a victim of Alzheimer's disease. Scroll down and check out her short and medium hairstyles. The Hollywood-style, big budget production, with haute couture costumes gave her a glamor like few other actresses had at the time[6] and led to a style that became known as "cine de los teléfonos blancos" (cinema of the white telephone). These films reflect the changing role of women after the Second World War, where women are not confined solely to home and children, but part of the world, making decisions. In the contrary, after her marriage, Moreno became the embodiment of elegance, luxury, and glamor. Zulema Esther González Borbón, better known as Zully Moreno (October 17, 1920 in Villa Ballester, Buenos Aires – December 25, 1999 in Buenos Aires), was an Argentine film actress of the Golden Age of Argentine Cinema (1940–1960). Películas más visitadas: Compartir. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial del contenido de este sitio por cualquier medio sin previa autorización. Zully Moreno Intérprete. Intérprete Nacimiento: 17 de octubre de 1920, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Muerte: 25 de diciembre de 1999, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Nacionalidad: Argentina. Zulema Esther González Borbón, better known as Zully Moreno (October 17, 1920 in Villa Ballester, Buenos Aires – December 25, 1999 in Buenos Aires), was an Argentine film actress of the Golden Age of Argentine Cinema (1940–1960). Zully Moreno nació en la localidad de Villa Ballester, en el Partido de San Martín, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 17 de octubre de 1920. Todos los derechos reservados. 80 MEJORES PELICULAS DEL CINE ARGENTINO by Maico95 | created - 26 Mar 2016 | updated - 3 months ago | Public Una lista de "mejores" películas siempre será subjetiva, pero estas listas son importantes para conocer todo un espectro, una historia cinematográfica (en este caso la Argentina) resumida. Zully Moreno Intérprete. [6], Her first starring role was in the film En el último piso (1942), which led to a role opposite Mirtha Legrand in Su hermana menor. Intérprete Nacimiento: 17 de octubre de 1920, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Muerte: 25 de diciembre de 1999, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Nacionalidad: Argentina. Her next film was La noche y el alba (1959) directed by José María Forqué, followed by Una gran señora (1959) and Un trono para Cristy (1960), both directed by her husband, Amadori. [3] Dios se lo pague was directed by Luis Cesar Amadori, who Moreno had married in 1947 and was one of the first foreign films ever nominated for an Academy Award. After years of visiting, in 1970, she purchased an apartment Buenos Aires, on Avenida Del Libertador. Todas las marcas y los nombres mencionados son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Prior to that time, from 1939 to 1945, her roles were primarily melodramatic comedies and portrayed modern, urban women. Carlos Cores y Zully Moreno en El amor nunca muere (1955) - 1 de 9. A los diez años fallece su padre. [9] In La mujer de las camelias (1952) she was directed by Ernesto Arancibia[10] but also met Horace Lannes, who going-forward would be her preferred designer. She then had a string of films, including Bartolo tenía una flauta (1939), Azahares rojos (1940), De México llegó el amor (1940) and Orquesta de señoritas (1941), in which she played minor roles. Why People Have A Crush On Zully Moreno [4][6] The film debuted on 16 March 1948 in Mar del Plata, at the inaugural Argentine Film Festival, and Moreno won best actress from the Argentine Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Hit the "Tweet" button at the top ↑ 2. [4] During the filming of Orquesta de señoritas she met Luis Cesar Amadori, who would become her husband, several years later. 2001 - 2020 © cinenacional.com - desarrollado por Thet. cerrar . Zully Moreno, Actress: Cristina. cerrar . Zully Moreno Nombre completo : Zulema Esther González Borbón. [8], After the death of Amadori in 1977, she returned permanently to Argentina[4] and led the Teatro Maipo and chaired the production of Argentina Sono Film briefly, but then turned away from the media and became reclusive as her Alzheimer's advanced. [4], "Excepcional Ciclo de Cine Argentino todos los domingos de mayo", "Los orígenes de una estrella: las comedias iniciales de Zully Moreno", "La Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de la Argentina", "Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zully_Moreno&oldid=987447079, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1946 Premios Sur Award for Best Actress for, 1953 Premios Sur Award for Best Actress for, This page was last edited on 7 November 2020, at 02:54.
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