Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. Gates served on the boards of numerous organizations in the Pacific Northwest, including the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, King County United Way and Planned Parenthood. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The abortion group is on its second executive in just eight months after sacking president Leana Wen in July for daring to suggest the group should focus more on women's health than abortion "rights" activism. Then he revealed that, for a time, his father, William H. Gates, Sr. was the head of Planned Parenthood. I treasure his friendship. His known cohorts such as Rockefeller, Buffet, Winfrey, Soros, Turner, share the same mantra that depopulation of the poor, weak, indigent, ignorant, minoritys of the world is the And the fact is that health leads parents to decide, Okay, we dont need to have as many children because the chance of having the less children being able to survive to be adults and take care of us, means we dont have to have 7 or 8 children. Now that was amazing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". Cookies The company Moderna is working on a Coronavirus vaccine, which they expect will go into clinical trials in April. ", The Truth About Bill Gates' Connection To Planned Parenthood. To that end, since 2012, Melinda Gates, a Catholic, has pledged over a billion dollars from the Gates Foundation to supportFamily Planning 2020 (FP2020). Same reasoning. By 1949, Sanger had hoodwinked black Americas best and brightest into believing birth controls life-saving benefits., [Black leadership] certainly wanted to decrease maternal and infant mortality and improve the communitys overall health. The researchers say the finding is an important reminder that identifying new viruses in animals and quickly determining their potential to infect people is a key way to reduce global health threats., Additionally, the Daily Mail reported that National Institutes of Health, of which Faucis NIAID is a member, provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study bat-borne coronavirus. Salon reported in 1998 that Gates Sr. was on Planned Parenthoods national board. Bill Gates Sr. stood imposingly tall at 6'6, . Here is what Gates said regarding Chloroquine in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session: There are a lot of therapeutic drugs being examined. Today, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent billions on population control in Africa and . Bill Gates, Sr. inspired his son to delve into population control, which is what prompted Gates and his wife Melinda to use the red herring of "reproductive health" to further their goal of reducing the . Use logical Gates threw his considerable energy into helping the students become successful. True patriot love in all thy sons command. The People Demand It, Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 12, 2020. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the Global Fund a $750 million promissory note in 2012. Gates is working on multiple Coronavirus vaccine projects. The more we dig into those connected to William H. Gates Sr., the more that word (eugenics) keeps on popping up! Thats headed up to about nine billion. Those are the things that the world will be very different 20 years from now than it is today. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. President Carter told the magazine that Gates works tirelessly to create better opportunities for the poor and vulnerable around the world. Importantly, Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood (PP) during the group's infancy a re-branded organisation birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. T he child who lives in the shadow of a famous parent is a well-known figure in culture and history. Their tactics for combating climate change and addressing global health issues would make Margaret Sanger proud. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has kept up the. In an era of migration and mobility, he favored long, personal relationships and social roots. Contributions to Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai'i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky can be directed specifically to support our Global Programs. However, as with birth control and The Negro Project, this exclusive focus on vaccines has raised some suspicion among the civic leadership. Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. Inovio Pharmaceuticals of Pennsylvania received $9 million from the Gates-backed CEPI, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, to develop a vaccine, INO-4800, which is about to test on humans in April, a suspiciously rapid time frame. Sept. 16, 2020 3:29 PM PT. Gates co-founded the law firm Shidler McBroom & Gates in 1964, which later became a part of Preston Gates & Ellis LLP (PGE). Bill Gates father is William H. Gates Sr., a Co-Founder of Preston Gates & Ellis (they had offices across the United States and China). One of the original members of this crusade was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. To his family, he was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather who . Wait. Career. The study investigators identified SADS-CoV on four pig farms in Chinas Guangdong Province. I personally witnessed his tireless commitment to social justice and health during an eye-opening trip we took together to Africa in 2002, Carter said. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood, Gates said. Yet while it is true that an unequal distribution of the population and of available resources creates obstacles to development and a sustainable use of the environment, it must nonetheless be recognized that demographic growth is fully compatible with an integral and shared development. However, current statistics attest to the lingering success of her strategy. Our Approach The Global Fund explains, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a key partner of the Global Fund, providing cash contributions, actively participating on its board and committees, and supporting the Global Funds advocacy, communications and fundraising efforts. William H. Gates II, a lawyer and philanthropist best known as the father and longtime advisor of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has died at 94 . That study confirmed in 2018 that humans have died from coronavirus. A prominent banker and lawyer, William H. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics and philanthropy. In his book, Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time, Andreas Moritz, documented the very real eugenics connection between the Rockefeller Foundation (and family) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (and family). About Us. It also illustrates that power is concentrated in just a handful of [unelected] entities.,+the+Rockefellers+are+already+there.+And+in+some+cases,+they+have+been+there+for+a+long,+long+time.%22&source=bl&ots=JVx2QiwRFZ&sig=ACfU3U2raoI_F2uZlD00k99yD6P-7KtS8A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3iZbP6IbpAhWKXM0KHbS0AD8Q6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=It%20seems%20like%20every%20new%20corner%20we%20turn%2C%20the%20Rockefellers%20are%20already%20there.%20And%20in%20some%20cases%2C%20they%20have%20been%20there%20for%20a%20long%2C%20long%20time.%22&f=false, If you want to know exactly what those in the Rockefeller-financed eugenics movement think of the common, or unfit man, read the following statements made by Margret Sanger, But for my view, I believe that there should be no more babies., The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it., We dont want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, Eugenics without birth control seems to us a house builded [sic] upon the sands. Bill's father, William Gates, Sr., served on the national board of Planned Parenthood and is a co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation where he remains committed to the destruction of prenatal human beings. My List. The American Journal of Managed Care reported on October 28, 2019: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced plans to invest at least $100 million over the next 4 years to develop gene-based therapies for 2 diseases: HIV and sickle cell disease (SCD). Do some research people and inform yourselves of the fallacy of so called Science! The foundations mission to help all people lead healthy and productive lives is well aligned with Modernas mission to deliver on the promise of transformative mRNA science to bring new medicines to patients, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel said in a statement. Required fields are marked *. A prominent attorney in the Pacific Northwest, the elder Gates was also a philanthropist and an active member of his community. It entailed helping a widow settle a protracted, complicated estate. William H. Gates II, a lawyer and philanthropist best known as the father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has died at 94. You know I thought it was. In fact, he has always lived in the shadow of Mount Rainier. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By Associated Press. Bill reflects on his father's influence in an interview with Bill Moyers in 2003 China was testing some things but now they have so few cases that that testing needs to move to other locations, Gates said. It targets global health, global development and United States education. Backed by funding from the wealthy Rockefeller Foundation, The Negro Project was a success. Bill Gates' Father Was the Head of 'Planned Parenthood' and Inspired His Population Control Views By Edward Morgan - October 15, 2018 11 In a lengthy interview with Bill Moyers released today, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures. The grant is intended for use in the antibody combinations preclinical study and a Phase I clinical trial. Salon reported in 1998 that Gates Sr. was on Planned Parenthood's national board. His father ran a small town furniture store. I repeat, FAUCI and HILLARY! This is Fauci 10 days before Trump's Travel Ban. Rice, president of the Seattle Foundation, portrays Gates as a quintessential lawyer, always prepared, and able to crystallize complex matters into their essence quickly. In the words of Bertrand Russell, a famous Fabian Socialist; The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated., In 1953, in The Impact of Science on Society (by Fabian Socialist), Bertrand Russell declared the following; I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.Various results will soon be arrived at: that the influence of home is obstructive.although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. Dr. Fauci Is Speaking At The World Vaccine Congress in September Alongside A Coterie of Public Sector and Private Sector Folks From WHO, CDC, FDA, Merck, Pfizer, etc. Second of all Fauci doesnt want it prescribed here but its fine if Spain does? A life-long Catholic, Mary is happily married and a proud Mom of four. The United Nations is a Luciferian Cult Controlled By the Knights William Gates Sr. Senator from 1983 to 1989. William Henry Gates II (born 1925, age 94) leaves a pretty light Internet footprint for being a prominent lawyer, who married into a prominent West coast banking family (mother is Mary Maxwell Gates 1929 - 1994), who is the father of one of the wealthiest men in the world. Whether he is your boss or your friend, you just want to live up to his standards to make him proud., Despite his almost inconceivable success, the iconic multibillionaire son never totally eclipsed his fathers extraordinary civic and cultural record: at least not here, not on his home turf. Saturday morning quotes 8.37: Old Ideas | Unquiet Thoughts, Episode 56: Thanksgiving Hunting Recaps, Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Goes Dark to the Public, Whoopi Claims Being A Woman Means You Know What a Fetus Wants and a LeKaren Gets Covid Justified Pursuit, Um olhar mais atento sobre Bill Gates: promovendo a eugenia, amizade com Jeffrey Epstein | MATRIA PBLICA. As Ross Douthat wrote in the New York Times, [These] American eugenicists were often political and social liberals advocates of social reform, partisans of science, critics of stasis and reaction. If it is successful, a second trial would feature closer to hundreds of people. In 1965, the Rockefeller Foundation was a significant donor to the International Planned Parenthood Federation . Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., was the head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood. And to this day, he stays in touch with childhood friends from Bremerton. But, is there any truth to the rumors that suggest Bill Gates' father was in charge of Planned Parenthood and hadlinks to the eugenics movement? And almost treating us like adults, talking about that. READ MORE: In order for The Negro Project to succeed, Sanger emphasized the need to have influential black leaders and, especially, ministers, educated in the goals of the birth control movement. However, he claims he has seen beyond Malthusian conceptions of useless eaters since, he says, he has seen that by improving health and education population decreases as parents decide to have less children. Independent journalism investigating today's national and international issues. The Gates Foundation has contributed US$2.24 billion to the Global Fund to date, and pledged US$760 million for the Global Funds Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022., Fauci Holds Numerous Patents That Present More Potential Conflicts of Interest For Him In The Medical Field, As Many of these Patents Directly Pertain To HIV Treatment, Here Is A List of Patents Held Or Pending Patent Applications Filed By Anthony S. Fauci. Similarly to the Planned Parenthood conspiracy theory, there is zero evidence to support these claims, andThe Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation publicly denounced them, calling them "false. This fact means that there was no person on earth with more power over the control, population control efforts, abortion operations, or Planned Parenthood assets ($2.2 billion today) than Bill Gates's father. Bill Gates Sr. gained wide acclaim for leading roles as husband, father, lawyer, philanthropist and global citizen. During this time, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates' mother, Mary Gates, served on the board of IBM, who he eventually partnered with to create Microsoft, while his father, William H. Gates Sr. worked on the board of Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates Recalls When His Father Ran Planned Parenthood Now The End Begins 16.2K subscribers Subscribe 150 13K views 1 year ago In a lengthy interview on May 9, 2003 with Bill Moyers,. For more than six decades, Gates, 49, 50, befriended his alma mater. Gates is for population control, yet he has 3 kids. If it works we will need to make sure the finite supplies are held for the patients who need it most. We have a study going on to figure this out. However, they are hopefully provocative. The article does not mention that both Bill Gates and his father spent vast sums of money on promoting tyrannical gun control laws here in Washington State. In the 90s, he started the Technology Alliance, a regional push to expand technology-based jobs. The Roe v. Wade case legalized abortion, but almost no body knows that legal abortion was a law formed by eugenicists, to genetically improve the population, by reducing the population. Source says it's from 2001. The couple sent a note along with the newspaper clipping: Dad, it read, maybe we can do something about this. Etched in giant letters, the quote hangs like a billboard on an inside wall at The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which formed in 2000 with the merger of the William H. Gates Foundation and the Gates Learning Foundation. By most accounts, that father-son relationship has been characterized as one of deep, mutual respect. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons. Therefore, it's safe to assume that any online theories relating to his association with Planned Parenthood were likely inspired by his work in this field. Like eugenicist father, like eugenicist son. And how lucky can a society be to have somebody with his generous public spirit., When Gates joined the Regents, private fundraising grew in importance due to state funding cuts. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News reported in 2016 on Gates relationship with Moderna: Moderna Therapeutics said today it received an initial $20 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a new affordable combination of messenger RNAbased antibody therapeutics geared toward preventing HIV infection. And so its fascinating. Throughout late 2020, various social media users worked to spread an unfounded rumor that Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates' father "ran" the reproductive health non-profit Planned Parenthood and taught his son "to spread the gospel of eugenics. He currently [citation needed] . Going into a Phase One trial within three months of getting the sequence is unquestionably the world indoor record. You know, sort of a Malthusian view of what would take place.. In the last decade, he has been as responsible as any one individual for the growth and recognition of the UW becoming one of a half-dozen top universities in the country, Evans said. Unsurprisingly, no evidence has been offered supporting the claim that the elder Gates embraced eugenics. I had no idea that the Gates family supported murdering children. You knowbefore I learned about it, I thought it was paradoxical. The law schools 196,000-square-foot, six-story building bears his name. Fauci is pushing the talking point that things will never go back to normal in our society until we have the ability to mass-vaccinate people, echoing Bill Gates assertion that mass gatherings in our culture may not come back at all before mass-vaccinations. It may also come as a surprise that the most exciting item currently on his active agenda does not involve law, computers, science or social justicebut the dots connect. By Stuart Glascock | Photos by Dan LaMont | June 2013 issue. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. . The medical world uses the information tools to do their work. Garabandal: Are the Prophecies About to be Fulfilled? Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. What hes most passionate about now is the general movement to improve public education, he said, particularly pre-kindergarten early learning. Bethania Palma is a journalist from the Los Angeles area who started her career as a daily newspaper reporter and has covered everything from crime to government to national politics. Modernas chief medical adviser, Tal Zaks, argued, I dont think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial, Add to this the fact that the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. Have any questions or suggestions? Corrections. The Rockefellers founded the Population Council, but Nelson had 7 kids and his brother David had 6. A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein - Revival News Today, A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein - Survive the News, A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein |, May 10-18 The Religion of Public Health Everyday Trends, AFLDS Uncensored Truth Tour: May 10-18 The Religion of Public Health, AFLDS Uncensored Truth Tour: May 10-18 The Religion of Public Health - United Push Back, Millions Watched Health & Freedom Conference 2021 | Light On Conspiracies - Revealing the Agenda, Catholic Doctrine and the Sunday Readings for March 2023, Please Welcome Our Speaker for Tonight Mrs. People have learned, once you meet the father, you arent surprised what the son has delivered.. The Eugenics Movement was a potent political force in early 20th century America. However, it continues to exert an influence on the modern activities of Planned Parenthood, particularly regarding its relationship with African-Americans and other minorities. Gates Jr. told Bill Moyers: When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. Well, at first glimpse of his parents; I immediately thought: Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines. Probably, one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero. And they call us the deplorables. Her unwavering support of eugenics as a means of achieving economic stability and improved public health was well-documented in her many essays and speeches. Bill, Mimi, Rosalynn and I were transformed by these experiences, President Carter said. Pingback: A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein Wake Up Sheeple! Not as I do.. Pingback: Saturday morning quotes 8.37: Old Ideas | Unquiet Thoughts, Pingback: Episode 56: Thanksgiving Hunting Recaps, Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Goes Dark to the Public, Whoopi Claims Being A Woman Means You Know What a Fetus Wants and a LeKaren Gets Covid Justified Pursuit, Pingback: Um olhar mais atento sobre Bill Gates: promovendo a eugenia, amizade com Jeffrey Epstein | MATRIA PBLICA. This despite strong objections from groups such asCulture of Life Africa who resent the disturbing encroachment of the bold and wealthy proponents of the Culture of Death.. "My dad was head of Planned Parenthood," Gates said. It's interesting to note the Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, who along with his wife runs the Bill and Melinda Gates . Copyright A.D. 2018 Catholic Stand | Powered by Astra, Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates, A Catholic Approach to the Suicide Epidemic. And maybe the most interesting thing I learned is that, as you improve health in a society, population growth goes down. Head of NIAID is Dr Anthony Fauci, the person at the center of the Trump Administration virus emergency response. Notable about the Fauci-Gates Moderna coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, is that it has been rolled out in a matter of weeks, not years, and on February 24 went directly to Faucis NIH for tests on human guinea pigs, not on mice as normal. Gates also served on the board of Planned Parenthood. "O Canada! It is remarkable that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation webpage has as its slogan, All Lives Have Equal Value. Would that they and Margaret Sanger actually believed that was true. From Gates' Planned Parenthood connection to his vaccination and population control agenda, this exclusive report reveals the truth behind the faux philanthropist. Moderna said the development effort would be led by its infectious diseasefocused venture company, Valera. According to Snopes, the term "eugenics"is one commonly used by anti-abortion activists to attack Planned Parenthood, an organization they controversially believe was foundedto eliminate the Black community.