Rating: R Lucius is an irritating but welcome customer. Summary: In which Harry falls victim to Lucius attempts at grieving and Draco punishes him for it. He makes a bargain with Snape that he will keep his secret and not tell Voldie, if he lets Lucius continue to visit Harry using the polyjuice. Summary: Walls, wards, and restraining orders, are not enough to keep Lucius from seeing the daughter Harry bore against his will. Rating: T Summary: Lucius is away. Abused Despite being alone, he couldnt find a comfortable position to standhe felt self-conscious in his clothing, and understandably so. They meet again three years later in the fundraising party. Soul Wars* Author: Minxie Author: keikokin Summary:Harry receives a confusing letter while at Hogwarts. Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Summary: Harry imagines being dominated by Lucius. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R A Is for Absinthe Warnings: mpreg, vague pairing description, creature!fic, abuse, mentions of non con, character!bashing Author: ella bane Rating: R Have Heart Warnings: voyeurism Does he want to? Warnings: threesome Rating: NC-17 Now they have to navigate their way through a relationship while also trying to help each other pick up the pieces of their slightly broken lives, facing the public, their friends and family, as well as themselves in the process, until they discover exactly why they are made for each other. Rating: PG-13 Summary: appearances are deceptive. In The Malfoy Name Walking a High Wire Rating: NC-17 A Death Eater In the House Author: imera Author: LinW Warnings: non con, mpreg No Better Seduction Summary: This is the fan mix that I put together for Feathers! Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 But some unexpected news will make his world come crashing down. Rating: NC-17 Harry could never be as good as Dudley because he was a freak. Rating: T He wasn't aware of wish magic and his wish was fulfilled. Summary: Prompt letter: H Prompt: Harrys pregnant, but every time he tries to tell his lover, hes interrupted. All he wants is to be left alone. Rating: Not provided Author: BittersweetAlias / RestartingInsanity Lost, sequel to Fragile Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Lucius/Draco *~In the original masterlist (last updated in 2011) Disobedience is listed as written by Veritas/moltensulfur. Warnings: mpreg, established relationship Warnings: Snarry centric, het, non con, dub con, multiple partners, violence, various forms of torture, forced sex change and pregnancy, bondage, humiliation, various kinks and squicks Soon he finds himself falling for someone who he once thought to be his enemy. Dream Lover Warnings: D/s, creature inheritance Summary: A malfunction with a Time Turner sends Harry back to 1973 where he learns a dark secret about the Light side, finds his family and love. Congress Tripartite* Author: Anne Phoenix 420 words, smut and tension. Rating: M Author: lyskasia Voldemort is dead. Rating: M Simple. Dracos Surprise Rating: NC-17 Rating: R to NC-17 Summary:Harry is feeling lost and turns to Lucius to find a stable ground. Paradise, sequel to That Fateful Summer Alibi Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius (implied Harry/Draco) Warmth* Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Follow the life of Harry and Lucius afterwards. Summary: Voldemort defeated at the ministry, Harry receives some information regarding his parentage, How will he cope with this and new friendships/relationships as old friends desert him. Summary:Of course he should be dead by rights; he should have suffered a gruesome and final demise at my hands. He unfastened the front of his robes, giving Harry just a glimpse of pale white skin. A Snow-Red Love Song* Warnings: non con, kinks And remind me why we invited Lucius Malfoy in the first place. Taming A Lion* Author: purple_mangosteen Author: Rachel Warnings: mpreg Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Warnings: D/s Engaging Interests Rating: PG-13 Warnings: violence, mpreg, OOC Ashes to Ashes* Summary: Lucius has finally gotten his hands on his five year obsession. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Post-Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy is nowhere to be seen, and so are the elves, and when Homenum Revelio lights up the only sign of life up in the inner suite, Draco has to investigate. Granted Warnings: character death, darkfic Author: Sestra_Prior Lucius takes Harry back to the Manor. Fathers and Daughters Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Blood Bindings* Warnings: OOC, violence Blood On the Dungeon Floor Unconventional Relationships* Author: AnyaYanko Summary: Lucius Malfoys heart left him twelve years ago, so how do the two react when they meet again? No Reason To Wait Rating: PG-13 Summary: Harry has been captured by the Death Eaters. Summary: After the war, everybody wants to make decisions for Harry, Lucius is one of the few that doesnt and maybe thats what drew him to the man first, after all Malfoy knew everything about being controlled, a strange mix of times, places and events about two people preparing for Christmas. Theres a First Time for Everything Pairings: Harry/Ron, Harry/Lucius Warnings: threesome, D/s, bondage, public sex, Rating: NC-17 Author: Moit Of those, there were even fewer who would be shadowing him in the middle of a rather humid summer day, covered head to feet in cloth. Harry Potter Lucius Malfoy Narcissa Black Malfoy Severus Snape Draco Malfoy Griphook the Goblin (Harry Potter) Gornuk the Goblin (Harry Potter) Dobby (Harry Potter) Kreacher (Harry Potter) Hedwig (Harry Potter) Nagini (Harry Potter) Tom Riddle | Voldemort Fred Weasley George Weasley Neville Longbottom Luna Lovegood Dursley Family (Harry Potter) Summary: Harry wakes up in captivity, and the last thing he remembers is that he killed Voldemort. Rating: R Summary: Harry is a fucking tease, Lucius is interested but also terrified of being hurt again. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Parts: Alternatives To Absolution Love In Winter They write things like this. Rating: R Author: Furorscribiendi The Malfoy Sense of Humour My Eyes Shall Never Wander Rating: NC-17 Author: greenie Summary: To Lucius, with a temptation of one as young and innocent as Harry, there is no right or wrong. I refuse to apologize. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Not Master Severus, Just Severus* Rating: NC-17 In it, Harry recounts their whirlwind romance and explains why he had to leave. Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, warm and fluffy feelings Rating: NC-17 Author: Kandakickass Character Torture Summary: It all started with a kiss. Hes having a party. Summary: 3 Months ago, my ex-lover and my father both pulled their heads out of their arses and got together, with help from me. Break him for me, my slippery friend. Though most would think he got a happily ever after since the evil was gone, that didnt happen. Warnings: bloodplay, self-mutilation A House Elf Christmas Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Umbridge is still at large, and Hermione has learned who the Boss is, but at a price. Summary:Draco is woken up to a shocking surprise. Summary: Lucius Malfoy hides Harry Potter away while the Wizarding World crumbles under Voldemorts control. Author: Lomonaaeren Summer Rain* Summary: Going to Malfoy Manor, Harry fully expected to have his brains fucked out by Draco. Summary:Harry is a disgrace to the Ministry galas and the new Ministerwho can be very charminghas coaxed him into taking dance lessons with Lucius. Harrys POV. Author: Prisioux A Dictionary Drabble based on the word contumacy. Author: Annika von Rammstein Author: keikokin Summary: The House-Elf Liberation Front strikes back! Warnings: underage, rough sex Author: pissedoffeskimo Rating: M The Way To A Mans Heart* Well, just call me Daddy. Summary: Nothing Harry Potter did was ever simple, right? Author: amanuensis Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt After Dinner Reluctant Slut* Anger drives him and lust ignites him and he treats Lucius like a prize, a willing sacrifice, a whore and it is all that Lucius wants; feels compelled to have. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Remus Author: aisling Salvation Rating: M Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Dementors No money is being made through the page and blog Kings of the Wheel and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended in any form. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Cedric Warnings: mpreg Rating: M kinks Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. Warnings: non con, mpreg, character death Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Harry/Others Just a slip of the tongue Summary: Can Harry allow his relationship with Lucius to evolve? Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Sequel: Come theMalstrom Rating: NC-17 Of Potions and Wings Author: JBankai89 Summary: Harry thanks Lucius Malfoy for his unusual present in an unusual way in an unusual for Harry place. Warnings: AU, OOC, forced marriage A Good Day to Die Harry does, and his lovers do, and they both give him gifts he couldnt get elsewhere. Summary: First the Fates weighted Harry Potter with adversity, then they gifted him with power. Rating: R Author: EntreNous Summary: Is this what you wanted, my Lord? Lucius asked. Author: keikokin Author: wolfiekins Wet nightmares. Author: Koibito247 Sequel: Peace Will Come Pairings: Harry/Lucius, implied Harry/Draco Warnings:non con, character death, violence Rating: T Fight Or Flight Author: Lomonaaeren Dream A Little Dream Of Me* Warnings: underage Summary: When Harry loses his memory, Lucius supplies a new set. Lucius is seeking revenge and Harry is going to pay, but at what price to both of them? Author: Nimori How had the savior of the light Harry Potter been thrown into the darkest part of Azkaban? Bonus points if Lucius whispers to Snape what a delicious fuck Harry was, while Voldie is still in the room. Summary:Harry spent a week as a child to have some happy memories. Lucius learns the hard way when he catches Harry, but something happens and its not so obvious who the cat is and who the mouse is anymore. Bad Karma Trouble The Cost of Change* Rating: PG Summary: Harry goes back to his master. Pairings: Harry/Draco/Lucius Author: Jedi_Knight_Willa Author: keikokin Author: amanuensis Author: Nimori Author: eeyore9990 Post Hogwarts/War. Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Author: la femme Rating: NC-17 It will take the Malfoys to give it back. Warnings: slavery, dark!fic Author: thorinsmistress Rating: R Rating: R Rating: M Summary: No summary provided. Summary: After the responsibility of the war, Harry just wants to surrender control. Summary: Harry, can I ask you something? ~ Mm, you know you can, Harry said Why do you fuck my father?. Far Behind Me Summary: The wizarding world is about to undergo serious changes. Warnings: abuse, non con, dub con, violence, torture, warm and fluffy feelings Rating: G Rating: R Warnings: felching Freefall Warnings: non con Summary:Harry is almost twenty and ready to consider the next step with his mates, children. Summary:Harry just wants the man to smile, and the man? Warnings: character death, mpreg Two Death Eaters are going to save him and give him back the will to live and fight. Summary: Harry and Draco work through some problems after the war. Warnings: AU, mpreg, creature fic Author: suki blue Author: elvirakitties Summary:Harry and Lucius make love for twenty-four hours on the longest day of the year, to cement their bond and look into their past through the Midsummer fires. Whimsical, part 2 of Larry snippets Author: Kindred Author: shamelessnameless Unexpected Visit My Rose in the Grey of Your Victory Rating: PG-13 Warnings: creature!fic Rating: NC-17 Author:IamSlytherin Rating: NC-17 Foretaste Sacrifices Warnings: AU, OOC Rating: NC-17 Blessed Gifts Apparently, the child creates a binding contract between himself and Harry. Everyone Knows Warnings: fem!Harry, gender change Author: DemonYazuha Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Warnings: non con, humiliation, kink Severus wants to watch. Rating: PG-13 Author: Queen of the Castle/jessicaqueen The Golden Prince 3: Breaking in the Boy* Summary:Harry was straight or so he thought, but after a passionate kiss with Lucius Malfoy, will Harry be tempted into a relationship with the man? Summary: Severus and Lucius have an arrangement, Severus and Harry have a past, and the pieces of an old puzzle are about to come together. Rating: PG-13 Though in this, hes a good guy and not a wimp like in the movies. Rating: NC-17 Author: hikarievandar It breaks them but not in the way you would think. Warnings: multiple partners, double penetration, BDSM Author: Anne Phoenix Warnings: dubcon, BDSM, verbal humiliation Summary: Lucius feels that Harry might very well be his true mate but firstly he makes absolutely sure. I Never Regret Us* Author: leni_jess Summary: Harry goes on a bender and then decides to go after a certain Death Eater. Rating: NC-17 Author: George Pushdragon Harry proposes something that might help. Author: keikokin 14 entries total. Rating:R Rating: NC-17 Warnings: enslavement How is Harry to manage sharing his life in two very different worlds? Summary: Dracos not excited about his new life, so his father shows him a way to spice it up.