The Author(s) 2016. Severity of anxiety and depressive symptoms were somewhat elevated, as measured by standard instruments, and correlated positively with the severity of TTM symptoms. A significant difference in psychosocial adjustment. Single subject designs were categorized as withdrawal/reversal, time. Ladd, Jessica; Hsieh, Yu-Hsiang; Barnes, Mathilda; Quinn, Nicole; Jett-Goheen, Mary; Gaydos, Charlotte A. Internet-based screening for vaginal sexually transmitted infections (STI) has been shown to reach high-risk populations. Based on the Linguistic Category Model, this assumes that concrete descriptions reduce the impact of belief-inconsistent behaviours while abstract descriptions maximize the impact of belief-consistent behaviours. RIME ratings correlated most strongly with patient management skills and least strongly with humanistic qualities. Data were gathered from interviews with key personnel at five international medical response organizations, as well as during field observations conducted at multiple sites in Jordan and Greece, including three refugee camps. The importance of RN work engagement to promote quality and safety is widely recognized in healthcare. Gastric reflux leading to pulmonary aspiration is a frequent event in mechanically ventilated, gastric-fed patients, which can lead to ventilator-associated complications and pneumonia. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed CorrNet is better than AE and CCA with respect to its ability to learn correlated common representations. Thompson, David C.; Pebay, Philippe Pierre. This feature is intended to make it an attractive alternative for users lacking in programming experience. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages. Research designs and making causal inferences from health care studies. Design and participants. Data was obtained from an anonymous, Internet-based sample, and thus may not be generalizable to all youth with TTM. Descriptive epidemiology on the trends . Digital cross-correlation is central to many applications including but not limited to Digital Image Processing, Satellite Navigation and Remote Sensing. A descriptive-survey design was used. Correlational research is widely used and this paper should be particularly useful for novice nurse researchers. The progressive addition of antennas over this period has allowed the Grenoble correlator group to undertake several 'start-from-scratch' designs, which have replaced on-site equipment as it came obsolete. Each caregiver completed a demographic questionnaire and Young Childrens Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM) online, followed by a 20- to 60-min semistructured and audiotaped phone interview to review and build upon PRO results as summarized in an electronic report. However, if the group means differ, other estimators have better performance depending on the sample size per group and the number of groups. We designed and fabricated a fully automatic fast face recognition optical parallel correlator [E. Watanabe and K. Kodate: Appl. Results showed that, for 71% of participants, the descriptive and functional analyses matched. Qualitative is usually more subjective, although like quantitative research, it also uses a systematic approach. We also tested whether this effect would be stronger in the context of several theory-based moderators: female gender, higher injunctive norms (i.e., perceptions of others' attitudes toward a particular behavior), a more positive attitude toward pregaming, a stronger sense of identification with the drinking habits of other students, and stronger social comparison tendencies. Scatterplot are vitally important to correlational research as they allow researchers to determine: The degree of the association The form of the association The type of association The existence of extreme scores The direction of the association. This is despite an urgent necessity for developing the theoretical basis and practical applicability of UD. A positive likelihood ratio of 4.00 and negative likelihood ratio of 0.18 were obtained. Parametric designs may be developed further to provide some timing information on fMRI activity and help identify the generators of ERP signals. Calligari, Paolo; Gerolin, Marco; Abergel, Daniel; Polimeno, Antonino. Biometrical Journal Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. The present Integrated Reservoir Description (IRD) is focussed on delivering the next level of detail that will impact the understanding of the localmore reservoir architecture and dynamic performance of each well. The design description, drawings, available analysis, and safety analysis were reviewed by a peer group. This study aimed to assess lifestyle modification factors among patients diagnosed with hypertension. Design processes focusing in the domain of description are likely to yield programs like burearcracies: rigid, obtuse, impersonal, and unable to adapt to changing circumstances. Preliminary evaluation findings are presented that explore relationships between educational program quality and program characteristics such as program type, security level, aftercare, teacher certification, facility size, and private versus public provider. 2nd Edition. The proposed multiplications perform carry-free generation of the multiplication partial products of two words in constant time. Although the system has been motivated by the space applications at Kennedy Space Center, and portions of it have been designed with that idea in mind, it can be applied to different situations. Franklin, Martin E; Flessner, Christopher A; Woods, Douglas W; Keuthen, Nancy J; Piacentini, John C; Moore, Phoebe; Stein, Dan J; Cohen, Sara B; Wilson, Michelle A. Trichotillomania (TTM) is associated with significant morbidity, comorbidity, and functional impairment in adults. For diverse reasons we shall see that random matrices play an important role to describe a null hypothesis or a minimum information hypothesis for the description of a quantum system or subsystem. Despite its importance, however, the role of the temporal dimension in their structure and function has not been investigated in much detail so far. Small hole (electron) doping of the superlattice leads to a two-dimensional single-band situation with holes (electrons) residing on the Ni dx2-y2 (Ti dxy) orbital and coupled to antiferromagnetically correlated spins in the NiO2 layer. Determination of this operating curve is critical for reduction of input noise. Quantitative structure-property relationship studies with multiple linear regression analysis were applied to find correlation between different calculated molecular descriptors of the phosphonic acid-based chelating agent and their stability constants. Descriptive/Correlational Research Any scientific process begins with description, based on observation, of an event or events, from which theories may later be developed to explain the observations. Of the 49 articles that used inferential statistics, the tests were named in 47(96%). This was a comparative, descriptive, correlational study of RN cohorts at 2 time points: time 1 (T1), in 2011 during Magnet designation (n = 119), and time 2 (T2), in 2016, approximately 2 years after the loss of Magnet designation (n = 140). In this work we show that this principle actually has a much stronger restriction on the probability distribution. Establishing appropriate reliance on DSSLT is contingent on the system developer's ability to provide users with information about the system's future performance. To do this, we need to know how to classify studies in function of their design (descriptive or analytical; prospective or retrospective; cross-sectional or longitudinal) as well as their correlation with the levels of evidence. Descriptive Research: Assessing the Current State of Affairs Descriptive research is designed to create a snapshot of the current thoughts, feelings, or behavior of individuals. Data were collected from medical records and analyzed descriptively. What is the basic methodology for a quantitative research design? Unlike instrumental data, DESCINFO generated by subject experts is biased by the scientific and cultural background of the observers and their choices of classification schemes. Fernndez-Guarino, M; Harto, A; Snchez-Ronco, M; Prez-Garca, B; Marquet, A; Jan, P. Actinic keratosis (AK) is one of the most common skin diseases seen in clinical practice. To elucidate the consequences of this popular procedure, we apply a combination of DFT with the Anderson impurity model (AIM), as well as DFT + U for a calculation of the potential energy surface along the Co/Cu(001) adsorption coordinate, and compare the results with those obtained from DFT. The FTI, with its broad systems and non-pathologic factors complements existing personality questionnaires. These correlations are expected to be improved in the future when more data become available.less. Findings suggest implications for interventional programming and research aimed toward improving quality of life, including individual and family-based approaches designed to enhance recipients' social support and address effective management of symptoms. A complete description of input and output along with sample cases are included. In addition, the advisory group expanded the role description to include 5 additional responsibilities from the remaining 18 functions originally identified. To describe family member perception of informational support, anxiety, satisfaction with care, and their interrelationships, to guide further refinement of a local informational support initiative and its eventual evaluation. Asif, Muhammad; Guo, Xiangzhou; Zhang, Jing; Miao, Jungang. The comparison of performance on the posttests and final exam suggests that using simulation as an adjunctive pedagogy can lead to excellent short-term knowledge retention. In the present article, we propose clustering coefficients tailored to correlation matrices. Qualitative studies increased from 1985 (3%) to 2010 (21%). The material contained in the four subsequent sections of the package contains system descriptions, design data, and specifications for the recommended 2-view system. Although RN-perceived staffing adequacy was not highly correlated with administrative measures of HPPD and RN skill mix, it was the strongest predictor of UAPU occurrences. From this review can be concluded that quality of reporting on descriptive studies in implant dentistry is low; there is some improvement from 1990 to 2010, but it does not exceed 70% coverage of the possible to address items. A descriptive study is one in which information is collected without changing the environment (i.e., nothing is manipulated). The correlation of electric field and critical design parameters such as the insertion loss, frequency ability return loss, and bandwidth of conductor/ferroelectric/dielectric microstrip tunable K-band microwave filters is discussed in this work. We develop and compare different methods for blinded estimation of the correlation coefficient that are less likely to introduce operational bias when the blinding is maintained. The statistical software product was named in 33(65%). The major issues encountered and solutions proposed are illustrated concerning the voice- coil actuator development, optical switch design, fatigue life of the flexure components and the adaptation of the launch locking device. This type of research is descriptive, unlike experimental research that relies entirely on scientific methodology and hypothesis. Colorafi, Karen Jiggins; Evans, Bronwynne. Occurrence probabilities given for extreme tornado and non-tornado winds are based on previous site specific studies. Wonder, Amy Hagedorn; York, Jacki; Jackson, Kathryn L; Sluys, Teresa D. The aim of this study was to examine the loss of Magnet designation and how RNs' work engagement changed at 1 community hospital. The study was purely quantitative and utilized descriptive correlation design which allowed the researcher to establish the strength and direction of the relationship between the independent variable. Thermal Design Description. Mansouri, Alireza; Shin, Samuel; Cooper, Benjamin; Srivastava, Archita; Bhandari, Mohit; Kondziolka, Douglas, Deficiencies in design and reporting of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) hinders interpretability and critical appraisal. Several program characteristics are found to be related to measurements of educational program quality. deductive. 16. This study compared the object descriptions of school-age children with high-functioning autism (HFA) with those of a matched group of typically developing children. Functional description of signal processing in the Rogue GPS receiver. This DIB article includes the course artefacts, instruments, survey data, and descriptive statistics, along with in-depth correlational analysis for the first iteration of a design-based research study on designing curriculum for developing online professional identity and social media practices for a multi-major advanced professional writing course. Ultimately, they want to choose an approach that is best suited to answer their research questions. One can distinguish two interrelated, but nevertheless, different directions in the physics of high T(sub c): one involving the problem of carrier doping and the transition to the metallic state, and the second being the description of the metallic state. It is shown that the equation of motion of the Wigner function corresponds to a fermionic analog of Liouville's equation. The age at first diagnosis ranged from 4 to 25 years. 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false General description of system of accounts and reports. Each session had defined learning objectives and interactive cadaveric operations performed by faculty members and students. It aims to find out whether there is either: Positive correlation. Blinded versus unblinded estimation of a correlation coefficient to inform interim design adaptations, Stallard, Nigel; Parsons, Nicholas; Todd, Susan; Friede, Tim, Regulatory authorities require that the sample size of a confirmatory trial is calculated prior to the start of the trial. Among the specifications were short to medium range capabilities, low seat per mile cost, fuel efficiency, and passenger comfort. Summary As a consequence of the growth in qualitative research in the health sciences, researchers sometimes feel obliged to designate their work as phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography or a narrative study when in fact it is not. Deficiencies in the. Herein, three methods are discussed, namely Guyan, Improved Reduced System (IRS), and Hybrid. Pattern recognition with composite correlation filters designed with multi-object combinatorial optimization. Decision-theoretic designs for a series of trials with correlated treatment effects using the Sarmanov multivariate beta-binomial distribution. The evaluation of the design shows that testing multiple vaccine regimens is important for providing a well-powered assessment of the correlation of vaccine-induced immune responses with HIV infection, and is critically important for providing a reasonably powered assessment of the value of identified correlates as surrogate endpoints for HIV infection. Design of a Question and Answer dialog system to handle student questions about Advanced Life Support (ALS) systems - students learn biology by applying it to ALS projects. Anger-out showed a significantly negative correlation to anger-control(r=-.248, p=.001) and a positive correlation to depression(r=.240, p=.001). Understanding Descriptive Research Designs and Methods Siedlecki, Sandra L. PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, FAAN Author Information Clinical Nurse Specialist: 1/2 2020 - Volume 34 - Issue 1 - p 8-12 doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000493 Buy Metrics Copyright 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. A climatological description of the Savannah River Site, This report provides a general climatological description of the Savannah River Site. For those who had received treatment specifically for TTM, parent ratings indicated that few (17%) children and adolescents were either very much improved or much improved after intervention. The aim of this paper is to provide an overall description of the Finnish Prenatal Study of Bipolar Disorders (FIPS-B), including the study design, national registers and linkage of the registers. A description of the recommended system is contained in Section 4 with equipment specifications in Section 5. Description of the PMAD DC test bed architecture and integration sequence. In Study 1, involving 37 mothers of 5- to 8-year-old children, mothers' verbal mind-minded descriptions of their children were positively correlated with their mind-minded descriptions of their current romantic partner. In writing the descriptive essays, a, Modular hardware synthesis using an HDL. Enhancing the Front-End Phase of Design Methodology, Design methodology (DM) is defined by the procedural path, expressed in design models, and techniques or methods used to untangle the various activities within a design model. The chi(2) test was used to assess between-site differences and the correlation between fluorescence imaging and clinical response. This study received exempt Institutional Review Board status. Dental appointments were video-recorded; five calibrated observers assessed 1,209 minutes of video recording to score the children's behavior, following the instructions of the investigated scales. In addition, over half of patients exhibit either cranial or laryngeal involvement. Describes digital systems at gate, register transfer, and combinational block levels. Youth whose parents have divorced are likely to experience economic adversity. How Do Observational Scales Correlate the Ratings of Children's Behavior during Pediatric Procedural Sedation? More research about the relationships among feeding readiness, outcomes, and opportunities is needed. UAS-NAS Live Virtual Constructive Distributed Environment (LVC): LVC Gateway, Gateway Toolbox, Gateway Data Logger (GDL), SaaProc Software Design Description. Emotional intelligence (EI) is an ability to recognize our and others' emotions, and manage emotions in ourselves and in relationships with other people. We provide two complex examples to illustrate the method, one for a study of 23 family clusters with cardiomyopathy, the other where the malaria attack rates vary within households and clusters of households in a Malian village. The perceived stress in cancer patients indicated a significant positive correlation to anger-in(r=.288, p=.000), anger-out(r=.232, p=.001), and depression(r=.68, p=.000), but no significant correlation to anger-control. Thus, the prior distribution will reflect this. The subjects discussed are: (1) spacecraft configuration, (2) structural design, (3) static load tests, (4) fixed base sinusoidal vibration survey, (5) flight configuration sinusoidal vibration tests, (6) spacecraft acoustic test, and (7) separation and shock test. All 4 children had small, The association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms among Cypriot university students: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study, Background Previous findings suggest that stressful life events have a causal relationship with depressive symptoms. No significant correlations with students' 'Motivation', 'Persistence', 'Wish to learn alone' and 'Wish for an authoritative person present' were seen. Descriptive Correlates of Urban Pediatric Violent Injury Using Emergency Medical Service Patient-Level Data. Harper, David B.; Cook, Anthony; Hostetler, Chris; Hair, John W.; Mack, Terry L. NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) recently developed the LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) to make measurements of aerosol and cloud distribution and optical properties. However, when male nursing students were compared with the general population of other male students, they revealed higher empathy traits 3.0 (p < .01) than other males. Simple Parametric Model for Airfoil Shape Description. Longitudinal cohort study based on the annual health exams of 5,400 workers of a car assembly plant in Figueruelas (Zaragoza, Spain). Regression analysis was used to assess associations. Hardware synthesis from DDL. Methods College student drinkers (N=198, 63% female) participated in an online survey assessing frequency of pregaming, descriptive norms, and hypothesized moderators. Finally, the hardwares and the operations of the terrestrial segment are presented. The present study sought to investigate the illusory correlation phenomenon by experimentally manipulating the availability of information through the use of the "lag" effect (Madigan, 1969). Because of these many-to-many relationships between scientific names and descriptions, the usage of scientific names as a proxy for descriptions is inevitably ambiguous. These findings present a worthy data for the clinical instructors that facilitate students training in psychiatric settings and promote their psychosocial well-being. At first, the continuous wavelet transforms as the uterine contraction signals were received and afterwards, a running cross-correlation analysis was conducted for each pair of transformed time series. Stress management strategies matched to the participants' style of coping process can increase their sense of control over their health and enhance their social networks and activities. The design and experimental performance of an implementation of the direct time correlator utilizing two analog CCDs and MOS multipliers on a single IC were evaluated. In this descriptive study, we retrospectively investigated the prevalence of laxative use and its relationship with clinical characteristics in hospitalized OCD patients. To date, only one correlator has been built and tested that actually can be called miniature. Receptive fields selection for binary feature description. Hardware description languages are valuable tools in such applications as hardware design, system documentation, and logic design training. Recruiting a transplant clinical nurse specialist to design and implement an intervention program also is recommended. The system structure is expressed in the following forms: the control-flow hierarchy of the system, the data-flow structure of the system, the task hierarchy, the memory structure, and the software to hardware configuration mapping. Andreev, A V; Kivelson, Steven A; Spivak, B. Descriptive sensory analysis was performed by a trained panel of 10 members. Descriptive studies: what they can and cannot do. In 1985, 61% of researchers did not link their findings to theory guiding the study; 52% did not in 2010. 2020 Jan/Feb;34(1):8-12. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000493. Schallom, Marilyn; Orr, James A; Metheny, Norma; Kirby, John; Pierce, Janet. Conclusions The demonstrated. For both MSIs, ALP and AST levels showed a trend of significant increase at days 0, 7, and 14 and then a significant decrease on days 21, 28, and 42. Statistical analysis demonstrated women who gave birth in the in-hospital birth center or who began labor in the in-hospital birth center prior to an indicated transfer to the standard labor and delivery unit gave higher PPI scores than women who were admitted to and gave birth on the standard labor and delivery unit. These phenomena include tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and ice/snow storms. The article first introduces some basic concepts and principles in corpus research., Hadl: HUMS Architectural Description Language. Bivariate correlational analyses showed that older women with poorer functional ability experienced greater chronic daily stress, reported more frequent use of emotion-focused coping strategies, and had a higher chance health locus of control. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS 10.1 statistical package). The main objective of development of the hardware architecture of the FFT 2D focuses on the subsequent completion of the following operations applied to images: frequency filtering, convolution and correlation. The form of the relationship Linear Non-Linear Positive Negative. An Improved Rank Correlation Effect Size Statistic for Single-Case Designs: Baseline Corrected Tau. The Correlation between Accounting Systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and Tax Revenue Assessment in Ghana, Nkuah, Joseph Kofi; Frederick, Appiah- Kusi; Asamoah, Kwame, The purpose of the study was to find out the correlation between accounting systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and tax revenue assessment. 1584 note, in Customs efforts to prevent the smuggling of controlled Jordanian Men's and Women's Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence and Its Correlates With Family Functioning and Demographics. They failed the task because they did not use strategic behavior, in particular they used rotational strategy to a significantly lower extent and produced a significantly higher rate of perseverative errors. (CONTINUED) APPROVED STATE PLANS FOR ENFORCEMENT OF STATE STANDARDS Puerto Rico 1952.380 Description of the plan. We extracted the bibliometric data, research design, research type (human or animal), and clinical area for all articles published. Feasibility study of an Integrated Program for Aerospace vehicle Design (IPAD). Given a vast search space of training templates, an iterative algorithm is used to synthesize a filter with an optimized performance in terms of several competing criteria. We also show that the local variants of the proposed clustering coefficients (i.e., abundance of triangles around a focal node) are useful in characterizing individual nodes. J. Phys. Anthropometric and biochemical analyses were performed. It can provide a more faithful and more interpretable description of the dynamic mechanism between financial time series than traditional MF-DCCA. At least 80% of the respondents from all 3 groups (medical directors, DOCs, and administrators) highlighted 24 functions they deemed to be essential or desirable, which were then included in the role description. The instruments used are descriptive essay text and focus group interview questions. Lett. A correlational study is a particular kind of scientific study that can be applied to a variety of different disciplines. The subjects consisted of 46 consecutive patients who participated in group cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) for panic disorder. These features of azimuthal multiparticle cumulants were previously interpretedmore as a signature of hydrodynamic flow; our results challenge this interpretation. Websites were evaluated for compliance with current General Dental Council ethical advertising guidelines; accessibility, usability, and reliability using the LIDA instrument (a validated outcome tool for healthcare website design and content evaluation); and quality of information using the DISCERN toolkit (a validated method of quality assessment for online written patient information). However, research examining the correlates of pregaming behavior is limited. 2004 Photon Correlation and Scattering Conference, Meyer, William (Editor); Smart, Anthony (Editor); Wegdam, Gerard (Editor); Dogariu, Aristide (Editor); Carpenter, Bradley (Editor). This document presents a brief description of the checklist items by the following sections: Watershed and Geomorphic Assessment, Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Maintenance and Monitoring Plans. We extracted linguistic and phonetic metrics which previous literature correlated to early-stage AD. }, Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cobalt based magnets: a choice of correlation parameters and the relativistic effects. Low and moderate risk of bias were reached by 87% and 13% of the studies, respectively, supporting the conclusions of SR. RDM with semi-trained assessors and evaluation of individual attributes presented higher percentages of concordance with CDP. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its association with the number and the severity of self-reported stressful life events among university students in Cyprus. The. However, the relationship between the N170 and the multiple face-sensitive activations observed in neuroimaging is unclear. These findings illustrate how the emergent physics from underlying Coulomb interactions results in the observed weakly correlated semimetal. Hernndez-Domnguez, Laura; Ratt, Sylvie; Sierra-Martnez, Gerardo; Roche-Bergua, Andrs. Such systems are therefore naturally described in terms of multiplex or multilayer networks, i.e., networks where each layer stands for a different type of interaction between the same set of nodes.