For instance, the Stonewall Brigades list is located here. Typically, the age restriction for most events is 16 years old to carry a musket/rifle. Load more. That inattention to historical details led to groan-inducing scenes (for reenactors anyway) in Shenandoah where Jimmy Stewarts teenaged son grabs a Trapdoor Springfield and starts fighting. Invitation events are smaller events where organizers limit the number of participants in order to better manage the scale. Here you can find a list of groups that portray the American Civil War period. (accessed March 5, 2023). Reenacting gear includes the uniform, accoutrements, a musket, shoes, hat and more, all purchased from sutlers, merchants specializing in reproduction products for reenactors. 4 June 2009. and then went into battle to save Lees army, but until one has marched that same route, it is all theory. Once you invest time and money into historical volunteerism, you'll likely find great reward from all your efforts. Kimberly Powell is a professional genealogist and the author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. If you have the time, it can even be fun to learn to make some of your clothing or items yourself, just as it was done in the past. All reenactors come into the unit as privates. The largest event was the 135th Gettysburg reenactment which involved 15,000 reenactors. Civil War Reenacting makes an effort to list the websites of reenacting units, but, as might be expected, many units are not listed here. or C.S.A. That model Springfield was not developed until 1869. These organizations will often have a camp life where young ones can partake in 1860's life styles. Scouring the sutlers' goods may also set you up for an impulse buy that your historic persona doesn't really need. Beginners should start by attending Civil War Reenactments and observing what goes on. Attend a few such reenactment events and talk to members of the involved groups to learn more about their reenactment focus and activities. Civil War reenactors attempt to answer Footes rhetorical question by putting their 21st century selves into the roles of 19th century people. Or, Dad can stay in the military camp while Mom and the kids stay in a civilian camp. Any unit youre interested in joining should be eager to loan you a uniform and equipment for your first few events (if they are not or if youre pressured to purchase equipment right away, youre probably considering the wrong unit). The 49th Indiana, Company F is Indiana's oldest and largest nonprofit organization devoted to portraying life during the American Civil War. (2020, August 26). You may want to speak candidly with your current units commander about what youre looking for in another unit, as they may have contacts or suggestions for other units that you can consider (if a unit commander isnt willing to do this, its probably a sign you should leave that unit anyways, as theyre not looking out for your best interests). While these stories may transport you to Elizabethan England or ancient Rome, they're still fiction, after all, and don't always provide authentic history lessons. As a spectator, you have a great opportunity to get a preview of what volunteering is like. If youre interested in an immersive, authentic experience, joining a mainstream unit will be a poor fit. "I decided to join the Civil War reenacting group that helped to make the movie." . The future of reenacting rests on the shoulders of younger generations. st croix zillow dollar genetal near me bnha x innocent reader. Event Dues - This can really depend on the event and what is provided with the fee. The ones below have been in business for years and may be considered the mainstays of the hobby. Infoplease knows the value of having sources you can trust. While those shows inspired then young, now-middle aged reenactors to study the war, the producers paid little attention to authenticity. As you build your knowledge, there is a wealth of information available in online archives and books drawn from soldiers letters, diaries, and post-war memoirs. For those men who need vision correction and who do not wear contact lens, there are sutlers who deal in eye glasses which are correct for the period. If its not, consider trying another group. But, there are legitimate roles for reenactors in their early teens to act as runners, or fifers or drummers if they are musically inclined to join units which have field musicians. Alright, as a black man I have to say this: * ahem * IF. How to Get Started With Historical Reenacting. Civilian reenactors are the least expensive impressions to achieve, and have the most flexibility since the clothes chosen can range from elegant to simple. When looking through our list of reenactment groups, be sure to really think about what is important to you. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Now that the sesquicentennial is over, the future of reenacting is being debated. And, if one wants, one can carry original muskets if they are safe. Also: Post Your Event Photos, Reviews, & Wrap-Ups. Reenacting events come in varying categories. We strive for accurate historical depiction of our original unit." YouTube Video Creator "History Boy" Drummer, 8th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Co. Used by permission of Kathleen Smith. For official duties, these youngstersoften between 10 and 14were called on to fill supporting roles such as drummers, buglers, messengers, and field assistants. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Many units have loaner gear or special requirements. For example, most reenactors portray common soldiers, but maybe someone wants to portray a foreign-born ancestor so their impression will be augmented by speaking in an accent. Many units keep a stock of uniforms and other equipment on hand in order to let people try the hobby out rather than invest in it only to discover that they do not really like playing the role of a 1860s soldier. Don't let that stop you! Retrieved from Perry's Headquarters Flag, Authentic, Original, Antique Civil War Cavalry Boots, 1840-Civil War Authentic Mechanic/ Wheel Cap Campaigner Repro by Mike Anderson, A RARE AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL EARLY CIVIL WAR CAVALRY UNIFORM, Authentic General US Grant Civil War Currier and Ives Lithograph Original Frame. Reenacting Civil War battles began during the War when both sides staged mock battles when heavy snows kept the men in camp from going out and killing each other. Depending upon your reenactment scenario, this may be a real individual or a fictional one who could have lived during your time period of interest. Some civilian reenactors may choose to portray professions such as mortician or battlefield surgeon with some women roaming the field as nurses. In addition to having to wear hot, uncomfortable clothing, participants can forget about sleeping in comfortable beds, eating decent food and taking hot showers. Spectators wont see much action, but the reenactors will see only other reenactors and no more bleachers. Post Advance Schedules Up to 1 Year in Advance. Speculation among reenactors is that smaller, focused events is where the hobby is headed. Once a prospective reenactor joins a unit the next step is to buy gear from sutlers, merchants specializing in the hobby named after the original civilian shop keepers who catered to the needs of Civil War soldiers. Arch supports were not invented in the 1860s, but feel free to put anything inside that helps you march. Reenactors sacrifice immense amounts of time, effort, and money to recreate history. It is up to reenactors to know if they have the stamina to participate in the action. Be prepared to be footsore! They like to bring tents, camp chairs, hidden ice chests, and other gear that the original army would never have had. That could be in California, Wisconsin, or even Russia. How do war reenactments work? The fully equipped reenactor will spend around $2,500 to $3,000, but that gear, with the exception of brogans, will last as long as the reenactor will. Modern day work boots are not acceptable. Almost every reenactor can tell you stories about uniforms or equipment they rushed to purchase when they first started out and later regretted after they learned it was of poor quality or didnt fit the impression they ultimately pursued. Although most common in the United States, there are also American Civil War reenactors in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Italy, Denmark . If you have an interest in our American History during the period of 1861-1865, we invite you to join our ranks. Some units are thinking of staging parts of battles as authentically as possible, complete with the scaled down, but statistically correct numbers of casualties, and the maneuvers mentioned in survivor accounts. Farby is a Civil War Reenactment term for anything not typical of the period. Reenactors generally participate in three types of events: Battle reenactments are scripted recreations of actual Civil War engagements, which spectators pay to come and watch. The same uniforms worn in the summer are worn in the winter. One place to find equipment for sale is at the reenactment events. Most reenactors are everyday people from all walks of life, with ages ranging from 16 to people in their sixties. While reenacting is fun, it is also a physically taxing hobby. Civil War reenacting group in Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, and New Hampshire. The only difference between the Civil War and the reenacting firing is that no Mini ball is rammed down the barrel. Camping with ones friends can be an attractive incentive to pack up the gear and drive away rather than staying home doing chores. The soldier in the rear rank must always keep his three-banded muskets middle band at the ear of the file partner in the front rank. Both firearms are basically the same, but it is critical that reenactors choose the longer 3-banded models over the sometimes available two-banded models. Three factors come into play, and the United States demonstrates all of them. It publishes articles such as how to cut and pack rations of raw pork, how to properly do bayonet drill, calendars of events, and how to contact different reenactment units. Did you have ancestors who participated in a particular war? Many units will choose opposite unit impressions that have something to do with the primary unit they portray, or perhaps a unit that passed through their home area. All races and ethnicities can reenact. While the three-banded musket is standard, there might be the occasional chance to carry something else. Their website is:, The Citizens Companion focuses on civilian reenacting and is also published by the same company that publishes Camp Chase Gazette. Check your local newspaper or search the Internet to find a reenactment near you. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era is a Pulitzer Prize-winning work on the American Civil War. Some people do take the "authenticity" to an extreme, but most groups welcome anyone with an interest. In 1913 elderly Union and Confederate veterans met at the 50th anniversary of Gettysburg and put themselves through their pacesbut without the muskets they had used against each other. Between a quarter and a third of the Union army was made up of European immigrants so real or imitation Irish and eastern European accents are welcome. This can be a great way to save money, but make sure you run all major purchases by your mentor to ensure youre buying quality gear and not getting swindled. Discover more about American history at one of these events. Your email address will not be published. Both shows used reenactors for the first time, a revelation for Hollywood directors who suddenly realized that their extras knew how to act like Civil War soldiers. They are wondering if sleeping on the ground is as much fun as it was when they were young. Cavalry reenacting is the most expensive branch to portray as the mounted soldiers have to buy period saddles, bridles, carbines, shotguns, pistols and sabers in addition to owning and transporting the horses to the events. Fit for Effective Service: Virginia Arms Her Stonewall Brigade, Its Ancient Reputation: The Stonewall Brigade at Cedar Mountain, The Stonewall Brigade at Gettysburg Part Four: The Fate of the Flags, How to Adapt a Confederate ANV Impression by Time Period, Top Tips for Transitioning From Mainstream to Authentic Reenacting. 2nd Rhode Island Regiment. And that will generally be a four-wheel-drive SUV as all reenactors will one day find themselves in a muddy field wondering if they will be able to get out in time to get back to work on Monday. How to join a unit, where and how to k. While family involvement may be the goal of some reenactors, others enjoy the freedom of being away from the family on the weekend. Before you start investing cash in reenacting, attend enough events to ensure that its a hobby that you truly enjoy and want to purse. Stan Honda . Members may portray either a military impression, or one of many civilian roles which are appropriate to the Civil War period. Our way to offer tribute to these great men of the Civil War is to study as much as possible . Extreme Points of the United States (States & Territories), Federal issue forage cap (dark or indigo blue), State issue forage cap with McDowell visor (dark or indigo blue), Federal fatigue blouse ("sack coat," dark or indigo blue) with four brass buttons, Federal trousers, foot pattern (sky blue), Issue muslin shirt (or other period pattern), USM1855 cartridge box, .58 caliber, mid-war model (black leather), USM1855 bayonet scabbard (black leather, one-piece Springfield style), M1853 three-band .577 caliber Enfield rifle musket and bayonet, Musket sling for M1853 Enfield (untreated leather), Haversack, U.S. regulation wartime issue (black tarred canvas), USM1858 smooth side canteen (jean cloth or dark blue wool cover) with strap (leather preferred over cotton drill or linen). Focused events try to recreate parts of battles. New reenactors start as privates and promotion to non commissioned officer or officer status depends on passing tests and demonstrating an ability to command larger bodies of men in maneuvers on the field. WW1 Reenactment Groups. We are a Civil War reenactment group based in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that portrays the 9th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry (US). Do you have a passion for Ancient Rome, medieval fashion, or Colonial America, and the Salem Witch Trials? Immerse yourself in the time period by reading books and primary source documents related to the area, and the type of person you've chosen to portray. Tacticals are unscripted battles which are usually not open to the public. Check your laws! If you're thinking about volunteering in a historical reenactment, experienced reenactors will tell you that you shouldn't delve into this hobby without knowing what you're getting into. It is one of the rich ironies of reenacting that Black Confederates march side by side with white Confederate reenactors, while Black Union troops usually only participate in battles where the USCTs were present such as New Market Heights, Virginia., and Olustee, Florida. While the majority of soldiers were in the 1840 age range, in many enlistment cases birth years were overlooked, or were fabricated. C.S. Most large re-enactment events take place outdoors, so spring through fall are very active times of the year for the majority of these groups. "How to Get Started With Historical Reenacting." Colorado Connecticut. It is particularly valuable for its calendar of upcoming events, and book reviews. There are a wide variety of canteens including wooden ones that Confederate soldiers carried, but which would not be appropriate for Union soldiers. "How to Volunteer in Historical Reenactments" The 26th North Carolina Troops and the 24th Michigan ran head-on into each other on the first day of Gettysburg in McPhersons Woods. Civil War Encampment & Reenactment 2021 August 5, 2021 | Education, Events and Programs, Historic Hanna's Town Thank you to everyone who joined us for the biannual Civil War Encampment and Reenactment! Reenactors carry everything with them with no resupply from a vehicle, speak in first person and essentially lose themselves entirely in the war for the weekend. "How to Get Started With Historical Reenacting." The dues are an important aspect of keeping reenactment groups operating. As you become more engaged with the unit, it's time to think about acquiring your own reenactment kit so that new recruits can use the spares while they test the waters. You've probably thought to yourself that reenacting sounds like fun, but you're just not sure about committing yourself due to time, money, and lack of know-how. Sometimes, you'll be able to find authentic uniforms to wear to reenactments, especially for 20th-century wars. As a Civil War reenactor you will become a soldier, or a civilian, wearing authentic 1860s period clothing and learning to live as . They carried Sharps rifles. These can range anywhere from $5 a month to $25 a month. Reenactment, appropriately called "living history," also means living under the same conditions encountered during the past. The age restriction on handling firearms does not prevent one from taking part in the hobby. The weapons that reenactors carry are real -- and loaded. Typical costs for reenacting might include the following. Thanks for reaching out John we just got in touch to provide you some additional information. Reenactors do not dwell on that terrible human cost. Each unit has a different function and will provide a much different experience. Local video entrepreneurs filmed those 125th anniversary reenactments on VHS tapes, selling them to the reenactors who hoped to see themselves acting as Civil War soldiers. Immersion events are small reenactments that attract campaigners. While there are several models such as an early war smoothbore musket, or a mid-war rifle musket, there are really only two brand choices for infantry. The totally geared up reenactor will invest around $2 500 to $3 000 however that equipment with the exception of brogans will last as long as the reenactor will. If you wear eyeglasses, consider purchasing period frames high on your shopping list as well. Just as in the Civil War armies, men who take on the rank must be able to perform at that rank. 5) Purchase Slowly and Strategically: When you are ready to start purchasing gear, take your time and make your purchases strategic. By the time Ken Burns PBS special The Civil War debuted in 1990 interest in the War was on an upswing. The three types seem to always be warring with each other in blog posts with the campaigners laughing at the age of the mainstreamers; the mainstreamers laughing at the campaigners with their dirty faces; and the stitch counters laughing at both of them for wearing a uniform that was proper in 1862, but which wasnt worn in 1864. Be sure to look into this. People come to Civil War reenacting in a myriad of ways. We are a Union regiment of the Southern Skirmish Association which aims to bring the history of the American Civil War to life with battles, drill displays, and a taste of 19th century camp life. Once the leather gear, muskets, and bayonets are purchased, only the opposite sides coat and pants are a necessary purchase to correctly portray the other side. Cavalry reenactors have uniforms that are patterned after original cavalry uniforms. To take part in high quality reenactments a reenactor should expect to drive at least a day for quality events. Reenactments are family events, so feel free to bring the kids, too. Most reenacting units are equipped to act as either Federal or Confederate troops in order to be able to balance numbers at reenacting events. That is what reenacting is all about; trying to live for a weekend like a Civil War soldier or civilian to figure out how they did it. What reenacting does is give men and women a chance to walk in the footsteps of those people who came before us just a little over 150 years ago. In other words, you can try it out and see how you like it. For reenactments that span several days, this can be grueling. "Dream Job: Historical Reenactor." BOOK TIP: "The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era". How to join a reenactment group is not the hardest part of this journey, it's just the beginning. Following are some useful terms to acquaint you with Civil War Reenacting. These events help reenactors immerse themselves in the reenacting experience, gaining first-hand knowledge of war, battle strategy, and the hardships of combat. They are encouraged to buy their opposite impression as soon as they can afford the cost. First-person When a reenactor speaks to fellow reenactors and the public as a person during the 1860s. In FULL SLAVE garb. Welcome! The Author (far right in a Derby) with Shelby Foote at a Reenactment in the Early 1990s, Photograph provided by: Color Sergeant Clint Johnson 26th Regiment of North Carolina Troops, Shelby Foote, a historian who spent more than 20 years writing a three-volume history of The Civil War, was surrounded by several reenactors outside of a university where he was speaking. Choose a Persona The dues are an important aspect of keeping reenactment groups operating. Are you interested in conducting research into tiny details of soldiers lives? Do your research before making any purchases to ensure that you get the most authentic bang for your buck. Most reenacting units require members to own dual impressions; both Union and Confederate. Men and boys threw on gray and blue pants and work shirts, grabbed whatever arms they could find, and marched out onto whatever fields were handy to recreate battles. After all, every one of the reenactors at an event arrived in a 21st century vehicle of some kind. To a CIVIL WAR reenactment. For a great description of womens clothing and textiles during the Civil War, read this Civil War Fashion piece by Kathy Dhalle on the Bits of Blue & Gray website. A more specialized type of reenactment is living history, which requires reenactors to adopt specific historic personas and engage directly with the public to educate them about a certain period. While some historians downplay or even deny the existence of gun-toting Black Confederates, insisting the only Blacks in Confederate gray were body servants, Black reenactors often have family knowledge that their ancestors did fight for the Confederacy. The gear does not stop at just a firearm either. Learn about one of the world's oldest and most popular religions. Don't be overwhelmed! The further that is away from the face, the better. Powell, Kimberly. Immersion events are small reenactments where reenactors carry everything with them with no resupply from vehicles. Finding a reenactment group isn't as easy as looking at a map and finding the unit closest to you. One note for reenactors living in states with strict gun laws. Still, the best plan for new reenactors is to join a unit and ask for help from the old hands in selecting uniforms and equipment. Emmitsburg Area Historical Society., Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, How the Civilian Conservation Corp Worked. For many people, there's nothing drier than a dense history book. They'll have fun watching the excitement, and you'll get to teach them about history. There is no age requirement for being a Civil War reenactor, but, of course, minors will need to have their parents approval and support. And many battle reenactment societies require that you acquaint yourself thoroughly with the manual of arms. Your email address will not be published. Wearing historically accurate clothing is essential to your impression and attention to details is important, i.e. There is at least one Civil War era brass band using period instruments and playing period music. They should also have a list of recommended vendors that sell uniforms and equipment that meet their units standards. A typical period correct firearm will cost upwards of $1000. Not all organizations allow family's along for the ride. If you've gotten this far then hopefully you've put some thought into this endeavor. They will speak as though the War Between the States is current. Oftentimes, a young person will find themselves interested in living history but struggle to get involved. Finally, there is the largest investment of all, the musket and bayonet. Being a reenactor can not only put you in touch with your inner soldier, drummer, or fifer, but can also deepen your understanding of our country's past. Civil War Reenactment Groups The American Civil War, fought between 1861 and 1865, continues to live on in the form of living history reenactments. Most units require members to be at least 16 years old before they can fall into ranks with a musket because of the maturity necessary to handle a firearm. I, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, Incorporated, 11th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Connecticut, Van Dyke's Howitizers 1st Florida Artillery. To volunteer in historical reenactments, you'll be dedicating your time, sacrificing your modern comforts and paying a pretty penny. But if you're more interested in other wars or time periods, don't despair. Don't buy a uniform or other equipment until you've joined a unit, which might have its own particular rules for attire. Authentic Campaigner is a blog dedicated to events, impressions, goods, etc. If you can find material written by men from the unit you portray, even better. R. Lee Hadden. Which branch reenactors join is up to their interest in each branchand their financial resources. Infantry is the easiest branch to learn and to finance. Read more. During the Civil War Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics fought on both sides. Photos from the time period show some men marching in ranks with M-1 Garands, World War II semi-automatic rifles. Unit Type - Not all organizations are the same. Whoever is physically able can take to the battlefield with certain age restrictions.