Not because he's a good guy, but because he has a use for that pup. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: Juni 10, 2022 Beitrags-Kategorie: cha am beach, phetchaburi cha am beach, phetchaburi Destroy AI that wanted to clean earth and make word peaceful. I liked the story. The ending, Will told Everlyn to go to their paradise which was their garden. The gathered crowd raised their voices in discontent. Will gets shot by a polonium bullet, he survives the radiation and will kill him in less than a month. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Loved it! The CW's science-fiction television series The 100 started in 2014 and aired its seventh and final season in 2020. Here, the line of what is morally permissible seems to have been crossed, especially when Will controls the mans conscience and uses him to talk and attempt to touch Evelyn. Transcendence opens with the introduction of Will Caster, played by Johnny Depp. Is there a difference in the story between Convert and Fight. It wouldn't matter if Riddick was there or not. Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? 2 Answers. There was no reason to be second-guessing his actions. I have probably watched Chronicles too many times. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? When Joseph ask for Pill can he prove is awareness its replies that can you prove Loved that as time went on he went from being fuzzy to High Definition. And rather than rebuild that set, at the cost of 2 million dollars. At the show's start, the setting is 2149, and . Will knew it wasnt going to be him. They were both together and they were disconnected from the world at that one place in time. He maintains these people are coming and working at the facility on their own volition, and are free to leave whenever they want. That's Riddick. That would lie not in killing this intruder, which he was now confident he could do, but in winning him over to the Faith. attack Wills base, and they threaten to kill Max if Evelyn doesnt upload the virus. What does all this mean? Evelyn gets wounded during the attack, and Wills facility loses much of its power. The AI never used violence but it did take over the individuals it supposedly heal. That which did not defeat them made them stronger, he knew. All The Lord Marshals are extremely long lived, perhaps even immortal. In The 100 series finale, the question of Transcendence came to a head. Can a soul/spirit/atom/electron etc. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We are talking about a movie that was directed by Wally Pfister, coming after his decade of collaborations with Christopher Nolan. Are there any other works featuring Riddick? You forgot about the open end, that the minds of Will and Evelyn probably survived in the nanites within their garden. ROBOTS TURN HUMANS INTO ROBOTS. What Happens At The End Of Transcendence? Having seen, or more properly, been exposed to Dame Vaako, most men and not a few women could do little else. All, except for one figure that remained standing by the main entrance - Riddick. Some people are really excited for what the technology could mean for the future of humanity. We may earn a commission from links on this page. We cut six months into the future, and suddenly the pup is shoulder height. With their newly acquired bounty, they returned to their hidden ship and left Helion Prime undetected. Or uploaded brain put back into a biological body! This was even stated at the end by The FBI guy. The downward slicing blade sent sparks flying as it struck the floor, leaving a gouge behind it. It will stop being just a machine. Dr never killed anyone only healed them. With this is mind, it seems odd that people obsess over their man-made religions and the God they dont understand. But Dame Vaako reassured her husband. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "They need to get Mac Jones a bonafide No. As a set of inner doors began to close, separating soldiers from the rest of the vessel as they continued toward their quarters, officer after officer turned in her direction as dim internal illumination took over from external sunshine. If he showed fear, he demonstrated weakness. In the end it was the humans who destroyed civilization and doomed humanity to suffering and destruction. Most of the entries in the NAME column of the output from lsof +D /tmp do not begin with /tmp. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. With the facility funnelling unlimited power to Will, he has become adept at controlling computers and nano-technology. A blow to the head finally dropped him. Anyone of them could of left when they wanted. Privacy Policy. The Furyan managed to make his way to the outside doors that separated the throne room from the sacred grotto of the Quasi-Dead. A dangerous, escaped convict wanted by every bounty hunter in the known galaxy, Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched planet that appears to be lifeless. evolve by time/chance/effort etc. . The FBI and R.I.F.T. They were free. Oh and the nanites could have gotten their code of Will and Evely outside the cage and then have spread into the cage. As Dame Vaako watched as columns of troops filed past the onlookers and into the Basilica itself, her eye was caught by a profile. Beside his nano-technology was decades ahead of anything the current state of humanity had at the time. If you remember, when the radical group comes to attack and all the machines soldiers are there, one of the men tells a little boy he is glad he came. The earth can heal itself and we can end our suffering when we awaken to realize we are both the individual and the colective. Yet no matter how strongly or sensibly he objected, she continued to insist that she had seen him here. The explanation was that the nanobots were healing the damaged cells. Evelyn is even more fearful about Wills behavior when he starts developing life. Upon his return to Necropolis, Vaako informed the Lord Marshal of the success of his mission. But the Commander General remained unconvinced. Just before the inner doors shut tight, the pupils of one officer glinted with a singular flash. That should be considered a boon, not a punishment. It isn't a bad one at all, but it doesn't matter how many times you come back to it, the film just doesn't reflect the incredible amount of talent that was poured on it. They can still communicate with anything INSIDE the cage including each other and other wireless devices that may be in there. Especially since it was a conscious choice by the AI to destroy itself anyway which didnt make sense either. It's actually an alien jackal, or we refer to them as jackals. (This ability is later to be revealed as the "Wrath of Furya.") riddick ending explained transcendencemontenegro cocktails imbibe November 28, 2021 . We break down what it is, how it works, and what it means for our characters. The mechanized emotionless humanoid future isnt likely. This is the message that I take away, it applies to so many things, how the church killed scientists in the early ages, is this that much different from that scenario? When threatened with canons the AI responded by using nanobots to disassemble the canons and restrained the humans who were threatening the AI. Image having the ability to exist in both a state of transcendence and then by choice decide to contract back down to exist as an old school human animal to experience reality through that interface. He turned slowly, as if from a punch that could not put him down, the Lord Marshal once again faced his assailant. Even if it is Will, even if his intentions are pure (as morgan freeman alludes to) humans would rather destroy their entire world than give up control to live in a utopia symbolic of heaven. Transcendence Explained (Spoiler Alert!) IT WHEN YOU CURED. Vaako is seen after an assassination attempt on Riddick. We may be presented with this type of technological singularity (as articulated by futurist Ray Kurzweil) at some point in the future, so this may be less science-fiction and more of an introduction to a global discussion. There was some tension between them, but also a familiarity. Vaako could have surrounded the dome with drop-ships, but marching up in good order across the approach bridge was far more dramatic. Appearances if you were in the situation of dr. Will caster will you upload mrs.evelyn caster/virus, why or why not? Conversely, if Wills vision of world domination was to create utopia, then we are faced with the challenge of evaluating what is truly important. that being said part of him (water) and part of her (flower) would always be together. The film was also produced with a budget of 100 to 150 million dollars, without counting advertisements. For Vaako is the only one who knows where Furya is, since it was purged from all records. He then turned to ask his former concubine, for a one word answer: Is Vaako alive or dead? The notion that once people became part of the hive mind that they then had a choice is ridiculous. Everything is trying to kill him. Vaako The Lord Marshal ordered Riddick to be taken back to Necropolis to be examined by the Quasi-Dead. Leading a person to believe that the dr and his wife just lead everyone to believe they died. Its goal was to be with Evelyn forever and it knew exactly what had to happen for it to get to that point. NO MIND. It might be enough. 'The 100 . What they are currently doing in the only existing nanobots in their garden. One too obstinate or ignorant to conform. He certainly managed to spread himself into the garden through that rain event, but is Evelyn with him? Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door We get the sense that while it's great to be King, you have to deal with the assassins outside your room. If suddenly presented with limitless power and control, I think pretty much any human would ultimately be tempted use that power, initially, perhaps, for good, but I feel this power would act like a drug, with the person wanting and needing more of it and the sense of freedom that humans crave, might give way to evil, causing the individual to, essentially, lose control. (LogOut/ Max's virus is successfully uploaded, killing Will, Evelyn, and Will's transcendence. Along the movie, its seem that Will have malicious intent to get control over the world. (LogOut/ short for Revolutionary Independence From Technology see Will as a threat that needs to be eliminated, thats why they decide to kill. Great special effects too on those computers. Ah but you didnt even mention the rain drop at the end! In gratitude, Zhylaw ceremoniously promoted Vaako to the esteemed rank of Commander General.