0 Again, the penetration of capitalism on the land produced a stronger market, including international grain sales, as a minority of peasants were able to break away from the communes. hGepjKwHnM3$P8vpsaCUTQjaO]; ' cJDG ,r`$(Bo! [1] In some areas, the revolt was accompanied by pogroms against Jews. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents( \n h t t p s : / / s c h o l a r s a r c h i v e . b y u . 0000009578 00000 n 7Rosa Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution, in Rosa Luxemburg Speaks, Pathfinder Press, 1970. The 1861 reforms had the effect of stimulating a capitalist market, however. It inspired workers rebellions around the world, and came close to succeeding in its ultimate goal. And that alliance, while it would expect the workers to take the lead in making their own revolution, and establishing a workers state, would not depend on the workers substituting themselves for peasant action. 8Lenin, Speech On the Agrarian Question, to First All Russia Congress of Peasants Deputies, May 22 (June 4th) 1917, Collected Works (CW), vol. War recruitment carried away 10 million workers and peasants, and stripped away 2 million horses, as well as food stuffs for the army and other resources, while defeats in the trenches mounted. 125 0 obj @fWp[Wo]0Xp Vy1}C(}Khq HP Kes0g{aqjD\7@n[X)s3Ke-7|/2P {r One of the main causes of these revolutions was the grinding poverty. Italian print. (In this, peasants were remembering their long experience with failed rebellions. HKo@stl@U%@i* 1 ^dWDeofgf3~C)`$S[`H\~}(o$pjt}~71!'D ;bU@|qx `(Da1D>l[h'}]f94HpL[B d}W_VZ`y?#^xVU[xl(BJyl69&G40xcn[}$`F"X*x4c&gU9SyEv!JB0iS? The NEP, he argued, was intended to provide breathing space for the Russian people and their economy, which was on the brink of collapse after seven years of war. 0000007696 00000 n In May, a month-long All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies was held in Petrograd. Leon Trotzky, a Marxist formatted a council representing the workers. 6- Romanovs were hated because of Rasputin. They played a major role in starting the French Revolution in 1789. Russia was unprepared to handle the military and economic costs of the war. endstream The NEP replaced war communism as the Soviet regimes official economic policy. For more information on usage, please refer to our Terms of Use. Peasants raided estates, burning the houses, stealing cattle. The amount of grain for sale on the open market increased, as did non-gentry ownership of farms. This led to the emergence of merchants, retailers and profiteers dubbed Nepmen. Peasants were political game changers in 1917. The 1905 uprising was put down, but the autocracy knew it had to do something to prevent further risings, and accelerate its modernization without undermining its still feudalistic noble ruling class. In our publication, we look at the various aspects of these turbulent times and their impact on the Czech and European societies, with a special emphasis on the middle class. 0000018905 00000 n It put the working class in power for the first time in history, and promised a world revolution to come which would abolish war, national oppression and exploitation forever. 486-505. Under the NEP, Russian farmers were once again permitted to buy and sell their surplus goods at markets. The amountof prodnalog would instead be fixed by the state, allowing peasants to retain whatever surplus they had produced. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". What was life like for a Russian peasant? This was to be an alliance, not an overlordship. Economically, widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia contributed to the revolution. The Russian people were unhappy with their country's involvement in World War I for several reasons. The nobility still owned the best land and the vast majority of peasants lived in extreme poverty. Date accessed: March 04, 2023 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Sukhanov was a Menshevik with a wide range of contradictory opinions, but he was a great eyewitness reporter. Organisations like the United Nobility was formed to protect the gentry's properties, and the provincial zemstvos changed nature from being 'liberal strongholds' to 'bastions of law and order'. Lenin responded by winding back war communism and relaxing Soviet economic policy. peasants to have a more significant role in the Great War and the Russian revolution. Writing from prison in 1918, Luxemburg asserted that, the direct seizure of the land by the peasants has in general nothing at all in common with socialist economy. And, she goes on, In the first place, only the nationalization of the large landed estatescan serve as the point of departure for the socialist mode of production on the land. In the second place, she asserts that, one of the prerequisites of this transformation [is] that the separation between rural economy and industryshould be ended in such a way as to bring about a mutual interpenetration and fusion of both.. Many Bolsheviks interpreted it as a surrender or retreat towards capitalism. The peasants were still tied to the communal land, could not sell their portion of it, and often had to take jobs working on landlords farms, to the neglect of their own plots. The NEP alsolifted a ban on agricultural and town markets, allowingpeasants to buy and sell their surplus produce. 5 What was life like for a Russian peasant? A Gentleman in Moscow: A Novel In Russia, the peasants were still serfs meaning that they were still in the feudal system with class privileges (Wilde 2nd). But this stage of the peasant revolution must not be confused with the stagism of the Mensheviks or the Stalinist epigones who later led the degeneration of the Russian Revolution. But workers were not the only ones to rebel in Russia in 1917. ETn4MadS}` h^{||oFUm~jDlr}H%ecD! b-C\K6^[dm/]ED=$@]in"{|Ywwl4"a2tJDG3Pe_/RI:qToJo!;`*eS=P]VL'.(DfO2'IQnsO%}$xJ Q>%@H])3 'fGc]fiin (Ioanc. Hungry peasants were unhappy peasants, and even Lenin recognized that this would encourage mass support for overthrow of the monarchy. It contained elements of both socialism and capitalism. H_o0W{"Rw?=U}Hmjx[Sbo?+UB5?R@ fUSg~kT|Mmi:F8,WD_6Z->ww0_4lID A59d:CVdpz5\`p^]T{4 0000002020 00000 n The Kulaks and poor peasants had been united in overthrowing the landlords, but now rich peasants were selling their grain on the black market at high prices, defying the workers states monopoly, and even threatening its survival. Vladimir Brovkin. However most quickly retired from active political involvement. [2], Several witnesses noted how the night sky was illuminated by the amount of burning manors, and how long lines of peasant carts drawn by horses filled the roads, packed with stolen items. endobj Bolsheviks revolt in Russia - HISTORY Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould - Complete text An event as consequential as the Russian Revolution will always be used and abused in political argument, as an epochal transformation that brought the oppressed workers and peasants of Russia. Peasants Lives 2. Unlike most of Western Europe, Russia was a backward, primarily agrarian society, in which capitalism had a late start, and still, at the opening of the Twentieth Century, held no political rights under the Tsarist autocracy. But complaints were heard, both within the Bolshevik Party and from without, about how the Bolsheviks failed to implement the socialist revolution on the land. 0000000016 00000 n By 1900 around 85 per cent of the Russian people lived in the countryside and earned their living from agriculture. In a year or two there were incidents of peasants seizing land that had been cut out from the commune, as well as attacks on big landlords, including the burning of mansions. Returning to their home villages, these men were armed, impatient and ready to promote radical action. How did Stalin first work for the Russian Revolution? Why The replacement of requisitioning with a fixed tax and free markets gave Russian farmers an incentive to work harder and produce more. 245 132 3MB. endstream We returned to our college on a Sunday afternoon: the peasants were dancing, and every one we met appeared gay and happy. Under war communism andprodrazvyorstka, the amount of grain requisitioned was decided on-the-spot by unit commanders. [1] The uprising was mainly caused by the peasants misunderstanding the October Manifesto as a license to seize the countryside from the gentry: despite some rural unrest in the spring of 1905, and more in the summer, the unrest only 'exploded' after October 17. A wave of political protests. Why did the Russian peasants revolt in 1917? Lenin explained this in a speech to a peasant congress of the Poor Peasants Committees and Communes, in December of 1918: At first there was the general drive of the peasants against the landowners This was followed by a struggle among the peasants themselves, among whom new capitalists arose in the shape of the kulaks, the exploiters and profiteers who used their surplus grain to enrich themselves at the expense of the starving non-agricultural parts of Russia. Lenin emphasized that now, our common task and our common aim is the transition to socialist farming, to collective land tenure and collective farming. This was to be done gradually, using persuasion and transitional methods, and involving middle peasants as well as poor.[10]. It ended grain requisitioning, replacing it with a fixed tax to be paid in kind, and allowed private ownership of small businesses, the return of markets and the sale of surplus goods. *Jk+O0ymu|6r>#-\/Eee JPpOR^QFoNC4cP4G(./-4zf{Q%!C)P &_*qWDx}b1rv Mon*pB%? What were some of the Causes of the Russian Revolution 1. The other half of all arable landand often the worst landwas in the hands of some 10 million peasant families, mostly in the communes, or small ownership plots. 120 29 These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 0000008843 00000 n The first factor that led to the 1917 Russian Revolution and the communist government that followed was Russias participation in World War I. Peasants rose up as well; not all, but enough to make the Tsar pick very carefully for a loyal regiment to shoot down protestors outside the Winter Palace in the Bloody Sunday massacre, killing at least 1,000. Frankenstein - gutenberg.net.au neglect of the peasants. The cost from the American Revolution and the expensive spending from King King Louis XVI left France close to bankruptcy. 4- Difficult lives of peasants, little food, hard work for noble men. 3. How did peasants affect the Russian Revolution? These legends are called by the general name of folk-lore. 134 0 obj For centuries, Russians lived under a feudal system in which peasants were born tethered to the great estates of nobility. This was documented by one Bolshevik in the Volga region: The muzhiks called [their SR leaders] old men, treating them with external deference, but voting in their own way. Trotsky continues, It is impossible to weigh the influence of the revolutionary workers upon the peasantry.